Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia (University of Oxford, England): Hypergeometric-Type Sequences

@Algorithmische Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik

The concept of “hypergeometric-type” was first introduced by Koepf in 1992 to describe a method for
computing power series in closed forms. In joint work with him, we recently extended that approach with
an algorithm that computes bases of m-fold hypergeometric term solutions of linear recurrence equations
with polynomial coefficients.
In this talk, I present a study of sequences defined by the coefficients of such power series and show that
they have a computable ring structure. I will describe two algorithms: one for converting expressions into
hypergeometric-type normal forms and another for computing products of hypergeometric-type terms.

Tee und Kaffee ab 14:45 Uhr im Raum 1404.

Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.
gez. Prof. Dr. Wolfram Koepf

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