Jonas Sauer (FSU Jena): Well-Posedness of the Stokes Equations on a Wedge with Navier-Slip Boundary Conditions

@Analysis und Angewandte Mathematik

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Meeting ID: 962 1709 1997
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Formatted Abstract

I will present well-posedness and regularity results in a certain class of weighted Sobolev spaces for the stationary and incompressible Stokes equations subject to Navier-slip boundary conditions on two-dimensional wedge-shaped domains. The novelty of these results is the combination of an unbounded wedge-type domain and the Navier-slip boundary condition which is not scaling invariant. The resulting difficulties are overcome by first constructing a variational solution in a second order weighted Sobolev space and subsequently proving higher regularity up to the tip of the wedge by employing an iterative scheme. The talk is based on

  • Marco Bravin, Manuel Gnann, Hans Knüpfer, Nader Masmoudi, Floris Roodenburg, and Jonas Sauer. Well-Posedness of the Stokes Equations on a Wedge with Navier-Slip Boundary Conditions. arXiv:2407.15517.

Tee und Kaffee ab 14:45 Uhr im Raum 1404.

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