Bechara Saade (Charles University): Mathematical Modeling of PXR-Mediated Regulation of GLUT2 Expression in the Liver

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Meeting ID: 962 1709 1997
Passcode: cauchy



Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) plays a crucial role in hepatic glucose uptake during glycolysis and glycogenesis, and its expression is regulated by pregnane X receptor (PXR) activation. This study investigates three potential mechanisms underlying PXR-mediated regulation of GLUT2: direct inhibition of GLUT2 mRNA expression, inhibition via the PXR-HNF4α pathway, and consumption of transcriptional resources required for GLUT2 synthesis. We quantitatively describe these mechanisms using ordinary differential equations and predict GLUT2 expression dynamics in response to rifampicin, a known PXR inducer. These models explain the molecular interplay between PXR activation and hepatic glucose transporter. They provide insights into the clinical implications of rifampicin-induced disregulation of glucose homeostasis.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann

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