Dr. D. Guicking
Veröffentlichte Publikationen
Liane Topp, Daniela Guicking & Marcus Schmidt: "Vegetations- und Florenentwicklung im Naturschutzgebiet Urwald Sababurg über hundert Jahre (1914 - 2016)", Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen, Band 17/2018, Seite 149-155
Guicking, D., Finke, L., Wittich, M., Pfeiffer, I., Weith, M., Geske, DC., Braukmann, U., Weising, K., Neubeck, D. (2017):"Conservation genetics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina v. variegata) in Northern Hess, Germany." Salamandra 53: 201-211
Wagner, N., Neubeck, C., Guicking, D., Finke, L., Wittich, M., Weising, K., Geske, C., Veith, M. (2017): "No evidence for effects of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus on populations of Yellow-bellied toads", Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 123: 55-65.
Fiala, B., Slik, F., Weising, K., Maschwitz, U., Mohamed, M., Jamsari, Guicking, D. (2016): "Phylogeography of three closely related myrmecophytic pioneer tree species in SE Asia: implications for species delimitation", Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 16: 39-52
Guicking, D, Fiala, B & Weising, K. (2013): "Molekulare Studien an Ameisenbäumen", Biologie in unserer Zeit, 43, S. 370-377.
Guicking, D, Fiala, B, Mohamed, M, Weising, K & Kröger-Kilian, T. (2013): "High gene flow in two thrips-pollinated South-East Asian pioneer trees: genetic diversity and population structure of Macaranga hypoleuca and Macaranga beccariana (Euphorbiaceae)", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 173, S. 606-621.
Guicking, D, Fiala, B, Slik, F, Mohamed, M, Weising, K & Blattner, F. (2011): "Comparative chloroplast DNA phylogeography of two tropical pioneer trees, Macaranga gigantea and Macaranga pearsonii (Euphorbiaceae)", Tree Genetics & Genomes, 7, S. 573-585.
Guicking, D, Fiala, B, Mohamed, M, Weising, K, Blattner, F & Slik, F. (2011): "Comparative chloroplast DNA phylogeography of two tropical pioneer trees, Macaranga gigantea and Macaranga pearsonii (Euphorbiaceae) (vol 7, pg 573, 2011)", Tree Genetics & Genomes, 7, S. 1315-1316.
Guicking, D & Joger, U. (2011): "Molecular Phylogeography of the Dice Snake", Mertensiella, 18, S. 1-10.
Wöhrmann, T, Guicking, D, Khoshbakht, K & Weising, K. (2011): "Genetic variability in wild populations of Prunus divaricata Ledeb. in northern Iran evaluated by EST-SSR and genomic SSR marker analysis", Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 58, S. 1157-1167.
Joger, U, Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Kalyabina-Hauf, S, Nagy, Z & Wink, M. (2010): "Relict populations and endemic clades in palearctic reptiles: Evolutionary history and implications for conservation", in Habel, J & Assmann, T Hrsg., Relict species. Phylogeography and Conservation Biology, Springer, Heidelberg, S. 119-144.
Weising, K, Guicking, D, Fey-Wagner, C, Kröger-Kilian, T, Wöhrmann, T, Dorstewitz, W, Bänfer, G, Moog, U, Vogel, M, Baier, C, Blattner, F & Fiala, B. (2010): "Mechanisms of Speciation in Southeast Asian Ant-Plants of the Genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae)", in Glaubrecht, M Hrsg., : Evolution in Action -- Adaptive Radiations and the Origins of Biodiversity, Springer, Berlin, S. 169-191.
Baier, C, Guicking, D, Prinz, K, Fey-Wagner, C, Wöhrmann, T, Weising, K, Debener, T, Schie, S & Blattner, F. (2009): "Isolation and characterization of 11 new microsatellite markers for Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae)", 9, S. 1049-1052.
Guicking, D, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2009): "Cryptic diversity in a Eurasian water snake (Natrix tessellata, Serpentes: Colubridae): Evidence from mitochondrial sequence data and nuclear ISSR-PCR fingerprinting", Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 9, S. 201-214.
Fritz, U, Ayaz, D, Hundsdörfer, A, Kotenko, T, Guicking, D, Wink, M, Tok, C, Cicek, K & Buschbom, J. (2009): "Mitochondrial diversity of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Anatolia and the Ponto-Caspian Region: Multiple old refuges, hotspot of extant diversification and critically endangered endemics", Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 9, S. 100-114.
Guicking, D, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2008): "Molekulare Phylogenie und Evolutionsgeschichte der Gattung Natrix, mit Bemerkungen zur innerartlichen Gliederung von N. natrix", Verbreitung, Ökologie und Schutz der Ringelnatter (Natrix natrix, LINNAEUS, 1758), Mertensiella, 17, S. 16-30.
Guicking, D, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2008): "Molecular phylogeography of the viperine snake Natrix maura (Serpentes : Colubridae): Evidence for strong intraspecific differentiation", Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 8, S. 130-145.
Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Auer, M, Sommer, R, Wink, M & Hundsdörfer, A. (2008): "Diversity of the Southeast Asian leaf turtle genus Cyclemys: how many leaves on its tree of life?", Zoologica Scripta, 37, S. 367-390.
Guicking, D, Kröger-Kilian, T, Weising, K & Blattner, F. (2008): "Single nucleotide sequence analysis: a cost- and time-effective protocol for the analysis of microsatellite- and indel-rich chloroplast DNA regions", Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, S. 62-65.
Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Kami, H, Arakelyan, M, Auer, M, Ayaz, D, Fernández, C, Bakiev, A, Celani, A, Džukic, G, Fahd, S, Havaš, P, Joger, U, Khabibullin, V, Mazanaeva, L, Široký, P, Tripepi, S, Vélez, A, Antón, G & Wink, M. (2007): "Mitochondrial phylogeography of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis, Emys trinacris) - an update", Amphibia-Reptilia, 28, S. 418-426.
Joger, U, Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Kalyabina-Hauf, S, Lenk, P, Nagy, Z & Wink, M. (2007): "Phylogeography of western Palaearctic reptiles - Spatial and temporal speciation patterns", Zoologischer Anzeiger, 246, S. 293-313.
Joger, U, Guicking, D, Kalyabina-Hauf, S, Lenk, P, Nagy, Z & Wink, M. (2006): "Phylogeographie, Artbildung und postpleistozäne Einwanderung mitteleuropäischer Reptilien", Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, Supplement 10, S. 29-59.
Guicking, D, Lawson, R, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2006): "Evolution and phylogeny of the genus Natrix (Serpentes : Colubridae)", Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 87, S. 127-143.
Guicking, D, Griffiths, R, Moore, R, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2006): "Introduced alien or persecuted native? Resolving the origin of the viperine snake (Natrix maura) on Mallorca", Biodiversity and Conservation, 15, S. 3045-3054.
Guicking, D, Rana, T, Blattner, F & Weising, K. (2006): "Microsatellite markers for the palaeotropic pioneer tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) and their cross-species transferability", Molecular Ecology Notes, 6, S. 245-248.
Fritz, U, Cadi, A, Cheylan, M, Coïc, C, Détaint, M, Olivier, A, Rosecchi, E, Guicking, D, Lenk, P, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2005): "Distribution of mtDNA haplotypes (cyt b) of Emys orbicularis in France and implications for postglacial recolonization", Amphibia-Reptilia, 26, S. 231-238.
Fritz, U, Fattizzo, T, Guicking, D, Tripepi, S, Pennisi, M, Lenk, P, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2005): "A new cryptic species of pond turtle from southern Italy, the hottest spot in the range of the genus Emys (Reptilia, Testudines, Emydidae)", Zoologica Scripta, 34, S. 351-371.
Guicking, D, Herzberg, A & Wink, M. (2004): "Population genetics of the dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in Germany: implications for conservation", Salamandra, 40, S. 217-234.
Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Lenk, P, Joger, U & Wink, M. (2004): "When turtle distribution tells European history: mtDNA haplotypes of Emys orbicularis reflect in Germany former division by the Iron Curtain", Biologia, 59, S. 19-25.
Guicking, D, Fiedler, W, Leuther, C, Schlatter, R & Becker, P. (2004): "Morphometrics of the pink-footed shearwater (Puffinus creatopus): influence of sex and breeding site", Journal of Ornithology, 145, S. 64-68.
Barth, D, Bernhard, D, Guicking, D, Stöck, M & Fritz, U. (2003): "Is Chinemys megalocephala FANG, 1934 a valid species?New insights based on mitochondrial DNAsequence data", Salamandra, 38, S. 233-244.
Guicking, D & Smole-Wiener, K. (2003): "Genetische Untersuchung der Kärntner Würfelnattern", Carinthia II, 193, S. 443-448.
Nagy, Z, Joger, U, Guicking, D & Wink, M. (2002): "Phylogeography of the European Whip snake Coluber (Hierophis) viridiflavus as inferred from nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and ISSR genomic fingerprinting", Biota, 3/1-2, S. 109-118.
Guicking, D, Fritz, U, Wink, M & Lehr, E. (2002): "New data on the diversity of the southeast Asian leaf turtle genus Cyclemys Bell, 1834. Molecular results (Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydinae*)", Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, 23, S. 75-86.
Guicking, D, Möller, M, Reich, M, Rosenkranz, V, Treutlein, J & Wahrendorf, M. (2002): "Pflanzenparadies Südafrika", Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 142. Jahrgang, S. 60-66.
Guicking, D 2002, 'Informationen aus World Birdwatch 1999', Berichte zum Vogelschutz, 38, S. 163-171.
Guicking, D, Joger, U & Wink, M 2002, 'Molecular phylogeography of the Viperine snake (Natrix maura) and the Dice snake (Natrix tessellata): first results', Biota, 3, S. 49-59.
Guicking, D, Möller, M, Rosenkranz, V, Treutlein, J & Wahrendorf, M. (2001): "Exkursion in die Eifel. Exkursionsbericht", Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 141. Jahrgang, S. 78-81.
Guicking, D, Mickstein, S, Becker, P & Schlatter, R. (2001): "Nest site selection in brown-hooded Gull, Trudeau's tern and white-faced ibis in a south Chilean tule marsh", Ornitologia Neotropical, 12, S. 285-296.
Guicking, D, Schlatter, R, Ristow, D, Becker, P, Berthold, P & Querner, U. (2001): "Satellite tracking of the Pink-footed Shearwater in Chile", Waterbirds, 24, S. 8-15.
Wink, M, Guicking, D & Fritz, U. (2001): "Molecular evidence for hybrid origin of Mauremys iversoniPritchard et McCord, 1991, and Mauremys pritchardi McCord, 1997 (Reptilia: Testudines: Bataguridae)", Zoologische Abhandlungen, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, 51, S. 41-49.
Fritz, U, Guicking, D, Wink, M & Lehr, E. (2001): "Sind Cyclemys atripons Iverson & McCord, 1997 und Cyclemys pulchristriata Fritz, Gaulke & Lehr, 1997 identisch?", Sauria, 23, S. 33-38.
Guicking, D & Becker, P. (2000): "Wanderungen des Rosafußsturmtauchers Puffinus creatopus in Chile", Jahresbericht Institut für Vogelforschung, 4, S. 11.
Guicking, D, Mickstein, S & Schlatter, R. (1999): "Estado de la población de fardela blanca (Puffinus creatopus Coues, 1864) en Isla Mocha, Chile', Boletin Chileno de Ornitología, 6, S. 33-35.
Guicking, D. (1999): "Pink-footed Shearwaters on Isla Mocha, Chile", World Birdwatch, 21, S. 20-23.
Guicking, D & Fiedler, W. (1999): "Informationen aus World Birdwatch 1998", Berichte zum Vogelschutz, 37, S. 99-107.