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- Kutschera, U. (1989) Reproductive behaviour and parental care of the leech Helobdella californica (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae). Zool. Anz. 222, 122 – 128.
- Kutschera, U. (1989) Innerartliche Kokonzerstörung beim Egel Erpobdella octoculata. Beobachtungen an Aquarienkulturen. Mikrokosmos 78, 237 – 241
- Kutschera, U., Kende, H. (1989) Particles associated with the outer epidermal wall in internodes of deepwater rice. Ann. Bot. 63, 385 – 388.
- Kutschera, U. (1989) Growth, in vivo extensibility and tissue tension in mung bean seedlings subjected to water stress. Plant Sci. 61, 1 – 7.
- Kutschera, U. (1989) Tissue stresses in growing plant organs. Physiol. Plant 77, 157 – 163.