Entwicklungsphysiologische Untersuchungen zur Phytohormon- und Lichtwirkung bei Keimpflanzen
Publikationen: Entw.Phys. Unters.
- Kutschera, U., Niklas, K. J. (2007) The epidermal-growth-control theory of stem elongation: an old and a new perspective. J. Plant Physiol. 164, 1395 – 1409.
- Kutschera, U. (2008) The outer epidermal wall: Design and physiological role of a composite structure. Ann. Bot. 101, 615 – 621.
- Kutschera, U. (2008) The pacemaker of plant growth. Trends Plant Sci. 13, 105 – 107.
- Kutschera, U., Briggs, W. R. (2009) From Charles Darwin's botanical country-house studies to modern plant biology. Plant Biol. 11, 785 – 795.
- Kutschera, U., Deng, Z., Oses-Prieto, J. A., Burlingame, A. L., Wang, Z.-Y. (2010) Cessation of coleoptile elongation and loss of auxin sensitivity in developing rye seedlings: A quantitative proteomic analysis. Plant Signal. Behav. 5, 509 – 517.
- Kutschera, U., Pieruschka, R., Berry, J. A. (2010) Leaf development, gas exchange characteristics and photorespiratory activity in maize seedlings. Photosynthetica 48, 617 – 622.
- Kutschera, U., Niklas, K.J. (2011) Ontogenetic changes in the scaling of cellular respiration with respect to size among sunflower seedlings. Plant Signal. Behav. 6, 72 – 76.
- Deng, Z., Xu, S., Chalkley, R. J., Oses-Prieto, J. A., Burlingame, A. L., Wang, Z.-Y., Kutschera, U. (2012) Rapid auxin-mediated changes in the proteome of the epidermal cells in rye coleoptiles: Implications for the initiation of growth. Plant Biol. 14, 420 − 427.
- Kutschera, U., Niklas, K. J. (2012) Organ-specific rates of cellular respiration in developing sunflower seedlings and their bearing on metabolic scaling theory. Protoplasma 249, 1049 – 1057.
- Kutschera, U., Briggs, W. R. (2012) Root phototropism: From dogma to the mechanism of blue light perception. Planta 235, 443 − 452.
- Niklas, K. J., Kutschera, U. (2012) Plant development, auxin, and the subsystem incompleteness theorem. Front. Plant Sci. 3, 1 –11.
- Kutschera, U., Wang, Z.-Y. (2012) Brassinosteroid action in flowering plants: a Darwinian perspective. J. Exp. Bot. 63, 3511 – 3532.