D. Knees, S. Owczarek, and P. Neff, “Global regularity in a nonlinear relaxed micromorphic continuum on Lipschitz domains,” Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 64, p. 60, 2025. |
F. Rörentrop, S. Boddin, D. Knees, and J. Mosler, “A time-adaptive finite element phase-field model suitable for rate-independent fracture mechanics,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 431, p. 117240, 2024. |
D. Knees, P. Neff, and O. Sebastian, “A local regularity result for the relaxed micromorphic model based on inner variations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 519, no. 2, p. 126806, 2023. |
R. Herzog, D. Knees, C. Meyer, M. Sievers, A. Stötzner, and S. Thomas, “Rate-Independent Systems and Their Viscous Regularizations: Analysis, Simulation, and Optimal Control,” Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems, vol. 172, pp. 121–144, 2022. |
D. Knees, A. Schröder, and V. Shcherbakov, “Fully discrete approximation schemes for rate-independent crack evolution,” Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, vol. 380, no. 2236, p. 20210361, 2022. |
D. Knees and V. Shcherbakov, “A penalized version of the local minimization scheme for rate-independent systems,” Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 115, p. 106954, 2021. |
D. Knees and C. Zanini, “Existence of parameterized BV-solutions for rate-independent systems with discontinuous loads,” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 121–149, 2021. |
D. Knees, R. Rossi, and C. Zanini, “Balanced viscosity solutions to a rate-independent system for damage,” European Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 117–175, 2018. |
D. Knees, “Convergence analysis of time-discretisation schemes for rate-independent systems,” ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 25, no. 65, p. TBD, 2018. |
D. Knees and M. Negri, “Convergence of alternate minimization schemes for phase-field fracture and damage.,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 1743–1794, 2017. |
H. Hanke and D. Knees, “A phase-field damage model based on evolving microstructure,” Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 149–180, 2017. |
H.-C. Kaiser, D. Knees, A. Mielke, J. Rehberg, E. Rocca, M. Thomas, and E. Valdinoci, “Preface,” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. i–iv, 2017. |
R. Haller-Dintelmann, A. Jonsson, D. Knees, and J. Rehberg, “Elliptic and parabolic regularity for second-order divergence operators with mixed boundary conditions,” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 39, no. 17, pp. 5007–5026, 2016. |
D. Knees, R. Rossi, and C. Zanini, “A quasilinear differential inclusion for viscous and rate-independent damage systems in non-smooth domains,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol. 24, pp. 126–162, 2015. |
H. Hanke and D. Knees, “Homogenization of elliptic systems with non-periodic, state-dependent coefficients,” Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 92, no. 3–4, pp. 203–234, 2015. |
D. Knees, R. Kornhuber, C. Kraus, A. Mielke, and J. Sprekels, “C3: Phase transformation and separation in solids,” in MATHEON – Mathematics for Key Technologies, P. Deuflhard, M. Grötschel, D. Hömberg, U. Horst, J. Kramer, V. Mehrmann, K. Polthier, F. Schmidt, C. Schütte, M. Skutella, and J. Sprekels, Eds. Zürich: European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2014, pp. 189–203. |
D. Knees, A. Fiaschi, and S. Reichelt, “Global higher integrability of minimizers of variational problems with mixed boundary conditions,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 401, no. 1, pp. 269–288, 2013. |
D. Knees and A. Schröder, “Computational aspects of quasi-static crack propagation,” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 63–99, 2013. |
D. Knees, R. Rossi, and C. Zanini, “A vanishing viscosity approach to a rate-independent damage model,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 565–616, 2013. |
D. Knees, A. Fiaschi, and U. Stefanelli, “Young-Measure Quasi-Static Damage Evolution,” Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 203, no. 2, pp. 415–453, 2012. |
D. Knees and A. Schröder, “Global spatial regularity for elasticity models with cracks, contact and other nonsmooth constraints.,” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 35, no. 15, pp. 1859–1884, 2012. |
D. Knees, “Global spatial regularity for a regularized elasto-plastic model,” GAMM Mitteilungen, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 21–27, 2011. |
D. Knees, “On global spatial regularity and convergence rates for time-dependent elasto-plasticity,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1823–1858, 2010. |
D. Knees, C. Zanini, and A. Mielke, “Crack growth in polyconvex materials,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 239, no. 15, pp. 1470–1484, 2010. |
P. G. Gruber, D. Knees, S. Nesenenko, and M. Thomas, “Analytical and numerical aspects of time-dependent models with internal variables,” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 90, no. 10–11, pp. 861–902, 2010. |
D. Knees, “On global spatial regularity in elasto-plasticity with linear hardening,” Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 611–625, 2009. |
P. Neff and D. Knees, “Regularity up to the Boundary for Nonlinear Elliptic Systems Arising in Time-Incremental Infinitesimal Elasto-plasticity,” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 21–43, 2008. |
D. Knees, “Global stress regularity of convex and some nonconvex variational problems,” Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta, vol. 187, no. 1, pp. 157–184, 2008. |
D. Knees and A. Mielke, “Energy release rate for cracks in finite-strain elasticity,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 501–528, 2008. |
D. Knees, A. Mielke, and C. Zanini, “On the inviscid limit of a model for crack propagation,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1529–1569, 2008. |
D. Knees, A. Mielke, and C. Zanini, “On rate independent models for crack propagation,” Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 10213–10214, 2008. |
D. Knees, “Global regularity of the elastic fields of a power-law model on Lipschitz domains,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1363–1391, 2006. |
D. Knees and A.-M. Sändig, “Regularity of elastic fields in composites,” in Multifield problems in solid and fluid mechanics, R. Helmig, A. Mielke, and B. I. Wohlmuth, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 2006, pp. 331–360. |
D. Knees, “Griffith-formula and J-integral for a crack in a power-law hardening material,” Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1723–1749, 2006. |
D. Knees and A.-M. Sändig, “Stress behaviour in a power-law hardening material,” in Proceedings of the Conference held in Milvoy, Bohemiam-Moravian Uplands, May 28-June 2, 2004, P. Drábek and J. Rákosník, Eds. Prag: Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005, pp. 134–151. |
D. Knees, “On the Regularity of Weak Solutions of Quasi-Linear Elliptic Transmission Problems on Polyhedral Domains,” Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 509–546, 2004. |
D. Knees, “Regularity results for transmission problems of linear elasticity on polyhedral domains.,” in Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems, W. L. Wendland and M. Efendiev, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 2003, pp. 221–226. |
Meyer, C., Knees, D., Herzog, R. (Eds.), 2018. Nonsmooth Models in Continuum Mechanics - Analysis and Optimization, GAMM-Mitteilungen. Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim. |
Kaiser, H.-C., Knees, D., Mielke, A., Rehberg, J., Rocca, E., Thomas, M., Valdinoci, E. (Eds.), 2017. Special issue on PDE 2015: Theory and applications of partial differential equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Springfield, USA. |
Klein, O., Knees, D., Dimian, M., Rachinskii, D., Gurevich, P., Tikhomirov, S. (Eds.), 2016. MURPHYS-HSFS-2014: 7th international workshop on MUlti-Rate Processes & HYSteresis (MURPHYS) and the 2nd International Workshop on Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems (HSFS), Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, April 7-11, 2014., Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, Bristol. |