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Ponraj Arumugam

PhD candidate

Vita  (Ponraj Arumugam)

Ponraj Arumugam is a Doctoral Researcher in the Adaptation in Agricultural Systems Working Group of the Climate Resilience Department and the Working Group Agroecosystemanalysis and modelling in Witzenhausen. His research mainly focuses on Climate Risk Transfer (crop insurance) and identifying climate change impacts and adaptation strategies. He applies process-based models, machine learning, and remote sensing data to estimate real-time yield to support crop insurance payouts in India. He also supports identifying climate change impacts and suitable adaptation strategies using a process-based modeling approach in West Africa. He has professional work experience in crop modeling and remote sensing-based crop/soil inventories. He has a background in Remote sensing and GIS, specializing in sustainable agriculture from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, India.

Before joining PIK and becoming a PhD candidate  in Witzenhausen, he was a research associate in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)’s program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS), involved in projects on crop insurance and climate-smart agriculture.

Publications  (Ponraj Arumugam)

Arumugam, Ponraj; Chemura, Abel; Schauberger, Bernhard; Gornott, Christoph. 2021. "Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Gradient Boosted Regression in India" Remote Sens. 13 no. 12: 2379.

Arumugam, P.; Chemura, A.; Schauberger, B.; Gornott, C. Near Real-Time Biophysical Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Yield Estimation to Support Crop Insurance Implementation in India. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1674.