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Anastasia Hübner

Postgraduate researcher (Doctoral Candidate)

University of Kassel
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Section of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Steinstr. 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Lecture hall building Steinstrasse

Brief introduction  (Anastasia Hübner)

Anastasia Hübner is a researcher and PhD student at the section of Grassland and Renewable Resources at the Universität Kassel. She studied Biology in Rostock (B.Sc.) and Berlin (Humboldt Universität, M.Sc.) gaining a wide knowledge in laboratory methods. Working at IASP (Institute of agricultural and urban ecologic projects) in Berlin for four years broadened her expertise in the use of different residual biomasses in biogas reactors and in field experiments.

Research interests  (Anastasia Hübner)

During her scientific work and Ph.D. she focuses on avoiding foot pad lesions in organic poultry husbandry using (activated) carbon from different residual biomasses (Careful project). Her research interests focus on:

  • agricultural and urban ecology
  • cradle-to-cradle concept
  • animal welfare

Research projects  (Anastasia Hübner)

CAREFUL - Residual biomasses to (activated) carbon: prevention of footpad lesions in poultry husbandry

Publications  (Anastasia Hübner)


Schimpf, U., Schrader, A., Hübner, A., Schulz, R., Neubauer, P., 2019. Utilisation of solid digestate from acidification reactors of continues two-stage anaerobic digestion processes in Lentinula edodes cultivation. Bioresource Technology Reports 8, 100322.


Roß, C.-L., Sensel-Gunke, K., Wilken, V., Muskolus, A., Krause, G., Tschuikowa, S., Hübner, A., Fiebrich, V., Ellmer, F., 2018. Kompostierte Gärreste aus Bioabfällen als Düngestoffe: Bodenchemische und pflanzenbauliche Wirkungen in einem dreijährigen Feldversuch. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 70, 169–210.


Hübner, A., Derkow, K., Bräuer, A.U., 2014. Efficient isolation of CD8α positive T cells from postnatal mice using a combined MACS approach. Journal of immunological methods 106, 110–116.