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Dr. Malin Kristin Tiebel


Universität Göttingen
Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Blauer Turm, 11.140 MZG

Curriculum Vitae  (Dr. Malin Kristin Tiebel)

Since June 2019, Malin Tiebel is working as a research associate in the KLEIBER project at the Chair for Social-Ecological Interactions in Agricultural Systems at the University of Göttingen. She studied Environmental Sciences in Lüneburg and Sustainable Resource Management in Freising.

Research Foci  (Dr. Malin Kristin Tiebel)

Her research interest lies in the very comprehensive interface between humans and the environment. In the KLEIBER project she is mainly responsible for the determination of values and perspectives of small private forest owners* in relation to resource use and nature conservation with the aim to develop practical recommendations for action.

Further information: ResearchGate and Orcid.