
Dr. Lisa Jung

Researcher (FNT)

Image: S. Radtke
Jung, Lisa
+49 5542 98-1645
+49 5542 98-1589
37213 Witzenhausen

Peer-review publications  (Dr. Lisa Jung)

Jung, L., Hillemacher, S., Tiemann, I., Hinrichs, D., 2024. Presence of keel bone damage in laying hens, pullets and roosters of local chicken breeds. PLoS ONE 19, TBD.
Addo, S., Jung, L., 2022. An insight into the runs of homozygosity distribution and breed differentiation in Mangalitsa pigs. Frontiers in Genetics 13, 909986.
Jung, L., Rufener, C., Petow, S., 2022. A tagged visual analog scale is a reliable method to assess keel bone deviations in laying hens from radiographs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, 937119.
Jung, L., Nasirahmadi, A., Schulte-Landwehr, J., Knierim, U., 2021. Automatic assessment of keel bone damage in laying hens at the slaughter line. Animals 2021, 163.
Jung, L., Brenninkmeyer, C., Knierim, U., Niebuhr, K., Bestmann, M., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Gunnarsson, S., Sorensen, J.T., Ferrari, P., 2020. Husbandry Conditions and Welfare Outcomes in Organic Egg Production in Eight European Countries. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI 10, 2102.
Jung, L., Niehbuhr, K., Hinrichsen, L.K., Gunnarsson, S., Brenninkmeyer, C., Bestmann, M., Heerkens, J., Ferrari, P., Knierim, U., 2019. Possible risk factors for keel bone damage in organic laying hens. Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience 13, 2356–2364.
Jung, L., Knierim, U., 2019. Differences between feather pecking and non-feather pecking laying hen flocks regarding their compliance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 219, 104839.
Jung, L., Knierim, U., 2018. Are practice recommendations for the prevention of feather pecking in laying hens in non-cage systems in line with the results of experimental and epidemiological studies? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 200, 1–12.
Jung, L., Brenninkmeyer, C., Knierim, U., 2016. Feather pecking in laying hens – do control and case flocks differ regarding compliance with recommendations?, in: Dwyer, C., Haskell, M., Sandilands V. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. 12.-15.07., Edinburgh, United Kingdom, S. 348.

PhD-Thesis  (Dr. Lisa Jung)

other publications  (Dr. Lisa Jung)

Knierim, U., Jung, L., Gieseke, D., 2021. Assessing and improving poultry welfare in commercial production systems, Lohmann Information.
Jung, L., Gonzalez, J., Knierim, U., 2020. Automatisierte Erfassung von Tierwohlindikatoren bei Geflügel. Teilprojekte: Automatisierte Erfassung von Haut- und Brustbeinschäden bei Legehennen am Schlachthof Früherkennung von Kannibalismus bei Puten im Bestand.
Döring, S., Jung, L., Andersson, R., 2020. Development and testing of an image-based system for the automatic detection of plumage damage in flocks of laying hens, in: Deutsche Vereinigung für Geflügelwissenschaft e.V. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association, Dummerstorf and Rostock. S. 7.
Jung, L., Petow, S., 2020. Brustbeinschäden bei Legehennen - Was das Huhn zusammenhält.
Jung, L., Dirks, H., Knierim, U., 2019. Keel bone damage in laying hens – automatic measurement for long term monitoring at the slaughter line, in: UFAW (Hrsg.), Advancing animal welfare science: How do we get there? - Who is it good for? UFAW International Symposium 2019. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, S. 67.
Jung, L., 2019. Automatische Erfassung von Brustbeinschäden bei Legehennen am Schlachthof (AutoWohl), in: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D. für A. und R.E. (Hrsg.), Promotionsprogramm „Animal Welfare in Intensive Livestock Production Systems“ (2019):
Transformationsprozesse in der intensiven Nutztierhaltung - Was wollen, können und müssen
wir ändern? Tagungsband zur 2. Tierwohltagung. Göttingen, 17.-18.10.2019. S. Vlll.
Jung, L., 2018. Automatic tracking systems for poultry activity, in: Grouphousenet (Hrsg.), Short Term sientific Mission (sientific report). 29.10. - 3.11.2018, Wageningen, S. 1 – 4.
Jung, L., 2016. Differences between “feather-pecking” and “non-feather-pecking” flocks and their compliance with recommendations for the prevention of feather pecking – a matched concurrent case-control design, in: (Hrsg.), COST action GroupHouseNet. 7.-9.11.2016, Belgrad, S. .
Jung, L., Brenninkmeyer, C., Knierim, U., 2016. Feather pecking in laying hens – do control and case flocks differ regarding compliance with recommendations?, in: Dwyer, C., Haskell, M., Sandilands V. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. 12.-15.07., Edinburgh, United Kingdom, S. 348.

Position of whole animal research group: Precision Livestock Farming (PostDoc)