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05/25/2022 | Research

Survey on the 9-Euro-Ticket

Interview: What impact has the 9-euro ticket had so far? An assessment by research associate Paul Papendieck

Courtesy of Radio Bremen 2.

In a conversation with presenter Jörn Albrecht on Radio Bremen on August 13, our research assistant Paul Papendieck told us what effects the 9-euro ticket has already had on mobility in Germany. The interview can now be heard here. Enjoy!

Click here for the survey:

The 9-Euro-Ticket is currently the talk of the town, but will it make it into everyone's pockets? We want to investigate the extent to which the 9-Euro-Ticket, as envisaged by Transport Minister Wissing, is a way of "actually testing a path towards climate-friendly mobility in practice".

We would be pleased if you support our research with your participation in the survey.

With a bit of luck, if you participate in all three surveys, you could win one of three merchandise vouchers worth 30€.

Image of Nine Euro Ticket and link to survey