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Prof. Dr. Matthias Gaßmann
Head of department Hydrology and Substance Balance
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3462
- gassmann[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3
34125 Kassel
- Room
- Kurt-Wolters 3, Raum 2130
Academic career
2008 Diplom in Hydrologie an der Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg 2013 Dissertation an Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen der Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg 2018 Positive Zwischenevaluierung als Juniorprofessor, Universität Kassel |
Professional career
seit 2018 | Professor (W2) für 'Hydrologie und Stoffhaushalt' an der Universität Kassel |
2015 - 2018 | Juniorprofessor für 'Wassergütewirtschaft - Modellbildung und Simulation' an der Universität Kassel |
2011 - 2015 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie und Umweltchemie, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg |
2008 - 2011 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Arbeitsgruppe Wasserressourcen Management, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Leibniz Universität Hannover |
Third party funded projects
10/2022 - 09/2026 | NitriKlim (BMEL) |
01/2023 - 12/2025 | SAGE (DAAD) |
04/2019 - 12/2023 | FOR 2432/2 - Projekt A02 (DFG) |
12/2018 - 05/2022 | PROSPeCT (Land Baden-Würrtemberg) |
09/2017 - 08/2020 | BangaDyn |
07/2017 - 06/2018 | HydroNeo (BMWi, EXIST) |
Peer Review
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Transformation, leaching and plant uptake simulations of 6:2 and 8:2 polyfluoroalkyl phosphate diesters (diPAPs) and related transformation products under near-natural conditions. Environmental Sciences Europe 36, 63. |
Nagesh, P., Gaßmann, M., Eitzinger, J., Boer, H.J. de, Edelenbosch, O.Y., Vuuren, D.P. van, Dekker, S.C., 2024. Modelling the impacts of climate change on agrochemical fate and transport by water on a catchment scale. Heliyon 10, e35669. |
Falk, S., Gaßmann, M., Stahl, T., 2024. Influence of age on the concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) in the tissues of perch (Perca fluviatilis). Environmental Pollution 2024, 124512. |
Weidemann, E., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Transformation and Leaching Simulation of 6:2 and 8:2 diPAP and Related Metabolites in Unsaturated Soil Column Studies with MACRO. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 29, 223–234. |
Schlecht, E., Gaßmann, M., Altrock, U., Thiel, A., 2023. Special Issue "Rural-Urban Transformation of Asian Megacities from a Social-Ecological Systems Perspective’’. Sustainability 15, TBD. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Small villages and their sanitary infrastructure-an unnoticed influence on water quantity and a threat to water quality in headwater catchments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195, TBD. |
Mahindawansha, A., Jost, M., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Correction to: Spatial and Temporal Variations of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation in the Mountainous Region, North Hesse. Water 2022, 14, 3910. Journal Water 15, TBD. |
Spill, C., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Long-term sulfamethazine leaching simulation in two different soils using the MACRO model. Journal of Environmental Quality 51, 364–376. |
Mahindawansha, A., Jost, M., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation in the Mountainous Region, North Hesse. Water 14, 3910. |
Just, H., Göckener, B., Lämmer, R., Wiedemann-Krantz, L., Stahl, T., Breuer, J., Gaßmann, M., Weidemann, E., Bücking, M., Kowalczyk, J., 2022. Degradation and Plant Transfer Rates of Seven Fluorotelomer Precursors to Perfluoroalkyl Acids and F-53B in a Soil-Plant System with Maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70, 8920–8930. |
Lämmer, R., Weidemann, E., Göckener, B., Stahl, T., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Gaßmann, M., Kling, H.-W., Bücking, M., 2022. Evaluation of the Transformation and Leaching Behavior of Two Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Diesters in a Field Lysimeter Study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70, 1–10. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Leaching and Transformation of Perfluoroalkyl Acids and Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Diesters in Unsaturated Soil Column Studies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41, 2065–2077. |
Kulkarni, T., Gaßmann, M., Bürkert, A., Kulkarni, C.M., Khed, V., 2021. Deep Drilling for Groundwater in Bengaluru, India: A Case Study on the City’s Over-Exploited Hard-Rock Aquifer System. Sustainability 13, TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., 2021. Modelling the Fate of Pesticide Transformation Products From Plot to Catchment Scale—State of Knowledge and Future Challenges. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 717738. |
Gaßmann, M., Weidemann, E., Stahl, T., 2020. Combined leaching and plant uptake simulations of PFOA and PFOS under field conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 2097–2107. |
Stahl, T., Gaßmann, M., Falk, S., Brunn, H., 2018. Concentration and Distribution Patterns of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Sewage Sludge and in Biowaste in Hesse, Germany. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 10147–10153. |
Herrmann, M., Menz, J., Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Kümmerer, K., 2016. Experimental and in silico assessment of fate and effects of the antipsychotic drug quetiapine and its bio- and phototransformation products in aquatic environments. Environmental Pollution 218, 66–76. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Stamm, C., Weiler, M., Kümmerer, K., 2015. Physico-chemical characteristics affect the spatial distribution of pesticide and transformation product loss to an agricultural brook. Science of the Total Environment 532, 733–743. |
Gaßmann, M., Khodorkovsky, M., Friedler, E., Dubowski, Y., Olsson, O., 2014. Uncertainty in the river export modelling of pesticides and transformation products. Environmental Modelling and Software 51, 35–44. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Brito, D., 2014. Estimation of phosphorus export from a Mediterranean agricultural catchment with scarce data. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59, 221–233. |
Olsson, O., Gaßmann, M., Manig, N., Ikramova, M., Wegerich, K., 2013. Basin efficiency approach and its effect on streamflow quality, Zerafshan River Uzbekistan. Journal of Hydrology 476, 128–135. |
Olsson, O., Khodorkovsky, M., Gaßmann, M., Friedler, E., Schneider, M., Dubowski, Y., 2013. Fate of pesticides and their transformation products: First Flush effects in a semi-arid catchment. CLEAN: Soil, Air, Water 41, 134–142. |
Gaßmann, M., Stamm, C., Olsson, O., Lange, J., Kümmerer, K., Weiler, M., 2013. Model-based estimation of pesticides and transformation products and their export pathways in a headwater catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 17, 5213–5228. |
Gaßmann, M., Lange, J., Schuetz, T., 2012. Erosion modelling designed for water quality simulation. Ecohydrology 2012, 269–278. |
Olsson, O., Gaßmann, M., Wegerich, K., Bauer, M., 2010. Identification of the effective water availability from streamflows in the Zerafshan river basin, Central Asia. Journal of Hydrology 390, 190–197. |
kein Peer Review
Weidemann, E., Dülfer, J., Matthes, K., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Nitrification inhibitors in the soil-groundwater-river continuum of Germany. EGU General Assembly 2024 : 14-19 April 204 Wien. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Understanding the variable impact of point sources on headwater stream water quality. EGU General Assembly 2024 : 14-19 April 2024. |
Ditzel, L.S., Spill, C., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Event-based high-resolution water quality measurements in rural headwater catchments: DOC quality and DOC export. EGU General Assembly 2024 : 14-19 April 2024. |
Mahindawansha, A., Gaßmann, M., 2024. Assessing the variations in hyporheic flow exchange by isotopic and chemical analysis EGU General Assembly 2024. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Influence of sanitary infrastructure on nutrient transport mechanisms in a headwater catchment, in: Copernicus Publications (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2023. Göttingen, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Simulation of diPAP Transformation and Related Metabolite Leaching Under Near-Natural Conditions, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023. Wien, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Just, H., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Gaßmann, M., Stahl, T., Breuer, J., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Kowalczyk, J., 2023. Verhalten von PFAS im Pfad Boden, Wasser und Pflanze. Altlasten-Spektrum 2023, TBD. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Kläranlagen und Mischwasserüberläufe in ländlich geprägten Gebieten – Einfluss auf die Wasserqualität und -quantität, in: Ruhr-Universität Bochum & Hochschule Bochum (Hrsg.), Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement – Regionale und Globale Strategien Bochum, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Gaßmann, M., 2023. Sind nicht-extrahierbare Rückstände eine kritische Senke für Perfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen?, in: Ruhr-Universität Bochum & Hochschule Bochum (Hrsg.), Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement – Regionale und Globale Strategien Bochum, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Is it possible to describe the behaviour of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and biodegradable precursors using the MACRO model? – Approach and preliminary results, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Water quality monitoring in headwaters with mixed land use: First insights into water quantity and quality, in: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) (Hrsg.), Land Use and Water Quality. Maastricht, S. 133–134. |
Mahindawansha, A., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Evaluation of the hydraulic exchange in the hyporheic zone: A depth-oriented analysis focusing on upstream and downstream conditions, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Kulkarni, T., Gaßmann, M., Kulkarni, C.M., Khed, V., Bürkert, A., 2022. Assessing the groundwater sustainability of Bengaluru megacity, India, through the lens of socio-hydrogeology, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Influence of urban infrastructure on headwater streams -- first insights into water quantity and quality measurements in two rural areas, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Is it possible to describe the behaviour of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and biodegradable precursors using the MACRO model? Approach and preliminary results, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Ditzel, L.S., Spill, C., Gaßmann, M., 2022. Nitrate flux monitoring in small headwater catchments in the German low mountain range -- Threshold exceedance during baseflow and snowmelt, in: EGU (Hrsg.), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022. Wien, S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Gaßmann, M., 2021. Transformation and Leaching Behaviour of Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Diesters (diPAPs) in Unsaturated Soil Columns, in: SETAC Europe (Hrsg.), SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting. S. TBD. |
Lämmer, R., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Breuer, J., Göckener, B., Severin, K., Gaßmann, M., Weidemann, E., Stahl, T., Bücking, M., 2021. Investigating the Transfer of Polyfluorinated Phosphate Diesters (diPAPs) Into Maize Plants, in: SETAC Europe (Hrsg.), SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting. S. TBD. |
Spill, C., Ditzel, L.S., Brumm, N.K., Böhm, J., Gaßmann, M., 2021. Low-Budget Sewage Overflow Monitoring, in: EGU (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2021. S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Göckener, B., Bücking, M., Breuer, J., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Gaßmann, M., 2021. Soil Column Experiments to Study Leaching and Transformation Behaviour of 8:2 diPAP and 6:2 diPAP, in: EGU (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2021. S. TBD. |
Ditzel, L.S., Schramm, J., Gaßmann, M., 2021. Statistical evaluation of the correlation pattern between rising global temperature and stable water isotopes in precipitation, in: EGU (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2021. S. TBD. |
Weidemann, E., Kowalczyk, J., Just, H., Breuer, J., Göckener, B., Lämmer, R., Stahl, T., Bücking, M., Gaßmann, M., 2021. Welche Prozesse sind für das Umweltverhalten von PFAS im Boden verantwortlich? Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) 2021, 5–9. |
Gaßmann, M., Falk, S., Brunn, H., Liebenehm-Axmann, A.M., Rückert, H., Berthold, G., Stahl, T., 2021. Sind PFAS eine neue Klasse von Agrarchemikalien?, in: Universität Potsdam (Hrsg.), Hydrologie: Verbindung der Umweltsphären und -disziplinen. Potsdam, S. 13. |
Gaßmann, M., 2020. Modelling the transfer of pesticide transformation products from agricultural fields to the aquatic environment – state of knowledge and future challenges, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2020. S. EGU2020–2168. |
Sonntag, K., Gaßmann, M., 2020. Modelling runoff generation of a small catchment in the context of climate change by using an ensemble of different climate model outputs and bias correction methods, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2020. S. EGU2020–2197. |
Kulkarni, T., Gaßmann, M., Vajedian, S., 2020. On the difficulties in estimating water balance components from remote sensing in an anthropogenically modified catchment in southern India, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna, S. EGU2020–2197. |
Gaßmann, M., Falk, S., Brunn, H., Stahl, T., 2019. PFAS – a new class of emerging agrochemicals?, in: Kronvang, B., Fraters, D., Kovar, K. (Hrsg.), International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality Agriculture and the Environment. S. 168. |
Gaßmann, M., Falk, S., Brunn, H., Liebenehm-Axmann, A.M., Rückert, H., Berthold, G., Stahl, T., 2019. PFAS – a new class of emerging agrochemicals?, in: EGU (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts. S. EGU2019–14404. |
Spill, C., Gaßmann, M., 2019. Simulation of the long-term behaviour of Sulfamethazine in two different soils using the MACRO model, in: EGU (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts. S. EGU2019–8092. |
Vollert, D., Gaßmann, M., Lange, J., Kümmerer, K., Olsson, O., 2018. Simulating the fate and release of metazachlor and its transformation products metazachlor oxalic acid and sulfonic acid in a small-scale agricultural catchment, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018. Copernicus, Göttingen, S. Abstract ID: 19569. |
Gaßmann, M., Weidemann, E., Sonntag, K., Stahl, T., 2018. Simulating PFOS and PFOA leaching under field conditions using the MACRO model, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018. Copernicus, Göttingen, S. Abstract ID: 4727. |
Stegen, R., Gaßmann, M., 2017. Re-design of a physically-based catchmen scale agrochemical model for the simulation of parameter spaces and flexible transformation schemes, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017. Copernicus, Göttingen, S. Abstract ID: 7836. |
Gaßmann, M., Farlin, J., Gallé, T., 2017. Spatially distributed environmental fate modelling of terbuthylazine in a mesoscale agricultural catchment using passive sampler data, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017. Copernicus, Göttingen, S. Abstract ID: 16070. |
Vollert, D., Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Kümmerer, K., 2017. Simulation of the fate of Boscalid and its transformation product 4-Chlorobenzoic acid in a vineyard-terraces catchment, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017. Copernicus, Göttingen, S. Abstract ID: 15167. |
Vollert, D., Gaßmann, M., Kümmerer, K., Olsson, O., 2017. Simulation of the environmental fate of the fungicide Penconazole and its transformation products in a vineyard-terraces catchment, in: Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (Hrsg.), 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment in 2017: Abstracts - Oslo, Norway, 18-22 June 2017. Conference, Oslo, S. Abstract ID: 336. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Höper, H., Hamscher, G., Kümmerer, K., 2016. Re-evaluation of the sorption behaviour of Bromide and Sulfamethazine under field conditions using leaching data and modelling methods, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016. Copernicus Publications, Göttingen, S. 2767. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Payraudeau, S., Imfeld, G., Kümmerer, K., 2014. Tracing the origin and mobilization of Glyphosate and AMPA in a vineyard catchment, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU 2014-3876. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Stamm, C., Weiler, M., Lange, J., Kümmerer, K., 2014. Estimation of pesticide and transformation product export pathways in a headwater catchment, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU 2014-3900. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Kümmerer, K., 2013. Assessment of model uncertainty during the river export modelling of pesticides and transformation products, in: European Geosciences Union (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU 2013. Copernicus Publications, Göttingen, S. 2753. |
Lange, J., Kümmerer, K., Imfeld, G., Herbstritt, B., Maillard, E., Lefrancq, M., Gutowski, L., Durst, R., Steudten, R., Regazzoni, C., Gaßmann, M., Payraudeau, S., 2012. Künstliche Feuchtflächen in Hochwasserrückhaltebecken - eine Chance für die Reduzierung von Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträgen in Gewässer, in: Weiler, M. (Hrsg.), Wasser ohne Grenzen; Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung; Heft 31. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., 2012. Dynamische Modellierung der Sorption von Substanzen in einem hydrologischen Einzugsgebietsmodell anhand des Beispiels Phosphor, in: Weiler, M. (Hrsg.), Wasser ohne Grenzen; Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung; Heft 31. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., 2011. Field release modelling of pesticides and their transformation products during a first significant rainfall in a semi-arid region, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Tagungsband Karlsruher Flussgebietstage 2011. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., 2011. Modelling the first flush of pesticides and their transformation products in a Mediterranean catchment, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU 2011-2158. S. TBD. |
Olsson, O., Gaßmann, M., Bauer, M., 2010. Wasserverschmutzung im grenzübergreifenden Einzugsgebiet des Zarafshan Flusses in Zentralasien. Wasser und Abfall 12, 52–56. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Bauer, M., 2010. Pesticide and metabolite fate, release and transport modelling at catchment scale, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU 2010-2757-1. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Friedler, E., Dubowski, Y., Dinerman, E., Olsson, O., Bauer, M., 2009. Pesticides in the Lake Kinneret basin: a combined approach towards micropollutant management, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU 2009-4751. S. TBD. |
Gaßmann, M., Olsson, O., Bauer, M., 2009. Pestizide im Einzugsgebiet des See Genezareth - Konzept zur Entwicklung eines Wasserqualitätsmanagement. Wasser und Abfall 11, 58–62. |
Gaßmann, M., Lange, J., Schuetz, T., 2008. High resolution assessment and modelling of suspended sediment in an agricultural catchment, in: Copernikus Publications (Hrsg.), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU 2008-A-09116. S. TBD. |