Association for the Promotion of Research and Knowledge Transfer in Social Law and Social Policy e.V.
Objectives of the association
The association, through its board and its members, shall serve as an interface to bring research results to society and to articulate societal interest in research.
To this end, the association shall expand the cooperation between practice and science. It supports the cooperation between researchers, teachers and students of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda, the University of Kassel and other universities in the region as well as institutions and companies located in the region.
Since the members of the association are mainly researchers, teachers and practitioners from the region, they are very familiar with current relevant topics and problems. The association can thus help identify topics relevant to research and practice, which can provide ideas for research projects, dissertations and theses.
This knowledge can also be used in other ways: for example, the association can organize and facilitate lectures, conferences and workshops, and can be profitably present at other events.
On the occasion of these meetings, employers, graduates or interns can be given a platform to get to know each other.
Finally, the association serves to identify and cover the training needs of employees.
At present, the association has 48 members, most of whom come from the various spheres of science and practice covered by the association. Thus 22 members are to be assigned to the scientific area. Another five members work for social institutions or associations. In addition, there are two members with a church background, five members from the (social) jurisdiction and three members from the area of public administration.
Nora Platiel Prize
Since 2021, the Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Wissenstransfer in Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik e.V. has awarded the Nora Platiel Prize. The prize is endowed with €2,000 and is intended to recognize outstanding master's theses in the fields of social law and social policy.
Lecture Series "Social Law and Social Policy in Jurisprudence and Science
The lecture series Social Law and Social Policy in Jurisprudence and Science has been in existence since 2003 and is based on the initiative of individual researchers from the Department 07 of Economics at the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein) and representatives of the Federal Social Court (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spellbrink). While the lecture series initially focused primarily on issues and aspects of social law, it has undergone a disciplinary and thematic expansion as a result of the establishment of the research network, as a result of which topics and aspects of social policy now also form the subject of discussion. Every semester, two events are organized at the University of Kassel as part of this series.
More about past events: To the archive
Lecture series "Social economy meets science
The lecture series "Social Economy Meets Science", organized by the association and the leagues of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in the city and district of Kassel, is in line with the objectives of the association. It is intended to show links between practice and science through the speakers and their topics and to provide a meeting point for participants from both areas.
The speakers and guests regularly include representatives from science and practice.
For more information on past events: To the archive
Conference Social Rights and Social Reality
The institutions of the welfare state, above all the social courts, are faced with the challenge of having to deal with an ever-increasing number of social conflicts. Prominent examples are legal disputes surrounding the so-called Hartz IV legislation. But other fundamental social rights, such as those to participation or health, are also increasingly becoming the starting point for legal disputes.
Against this background, the conference on September 3 and 4, 2015, addressed the question of how social rights are established in the practice of acting actors and how they are handled and confirmed in society, or how they are questioned and changed due to the contradictory nature of legal and social reality.
The Research Association for Social Law and Social Policy discussed with interested parties from politics and science, from social economy and associations, from social networks and supporting organizations. The event was supported by the association.
More about the conference can be found here.
Conference "The human right of work
The conference "The human right of work - multidisciplinary perspectives" took place on June 12 and 13, 2014 at the University of Kassel. This event was co-organized and co-financed by the Association. Other organizers were the Cross-Sectional Working Group (QAG) "Social Human Rights" of the Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy (FoSS) of the University of Kassel and the University of Applied Sciences Fulda as well as the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labor Law.
Speakers at this interdisciplinary conference were top-class participants from research and practice. Thus, in addition to Nicola Behrend (Judge at the Federal Social Court), Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Eberhard Eichenhofer (University of Jena) and Dr. Gabriela Förster (Volkswagen AG), Klaus Lörcher (Former Legal Advisor to the European Trade Union Confederation) and Kari Tapiola (Special Advisor to the Director General of the ILO) were also able to be secured as speakers.
Pursuant to Section 6 sentence 1 of its Articles of Association, the Association holds an ordinary General Meeting once a year. In addition, board meetings or other meetings as well as extraordinary general meetings are held on a regular basis.
Dates ordinary general meeting:
- February 06, 2013, University of Kassel
- May 21, 2014, University of Kassel
- February 18, 2015, University of Kassel
- February 10, 2016, University of Kassel
- February 15, 2017, University of Kassel
- February 07, 2018, University of Kassel
- February 06, 2019, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
- January 29, 2020, University of Kassel