About the Symposium and Contact Information

The international symposium addresses a topic which for a long time has been neglected in social and organization theories as well as in higher education research. What does it mean being an actor? Which identities, social expectations, and role requirements come along with this status? And are actors natural or manmade?

Based on insights from institutional theory and focusing on the transformation of universities into organizational actors, Georg was a key figure in addressing these questions. He was well aware that universities are not the only actors in higher education. Instead, we also need to consider states who, e.g., tend to compete for talents and technological breakthroughs, and – last, not least – there are academic individuals which cannot be reduced to being mere agents of their employer organization.

The symposium, on one hand, investigates actor configurations—actor relations and ecologies—in higher education. On the other hand, it takes a broader view, aiming to illuminate the commonalities and differences among individuals, organizations, and states as actors in contemporary society.

The symposion is organized by:

Prof. Dr. Guido Bünstorf, University of Kassel
Prof. Dr. Raimund Hasse, University of Lucerne
Prof. Dr. Anna Kosmützky, Leibniz University Hannover

More information: https://goto.uni-kassel.de/go/memorialgk


Susanne Koch

Organizing Committee Secretary
International Conference and Community Memorial
"Celebrating the Work of Georg Krücken"

University of Kassel
Moenchebergstrasse 17
34125 Kassel, Germnay
Phone +49 561 804-3994