INCHER Graduate School Details


Internationally reknown researchers are invited as lecturers for courses that cannot be provided by INCHER members.

Course contents:
INCHER Graduate School courses are independent and tailor-made courses for INCHER doctoral candidates. Regularly on offer are courses focusing on INCHER specific research areas and topics, as well as skill training in research methods, courses in dissertation-specific and other subject areas. Offerings also include reading courses in areas of research literature relevant to INCHER, as well as professional and career development training. This may include, for example, training in academic writing as well as writing research grant applications.

Further non INCHER courses that may be attended by INCHER Graduate School participants:
- Courses offered by the Kassel International Graduate Program Social Sciences (KIGG) in Fachbereich 05, the Graduate School in Economic Behavior and Governance (GS EBGo) in Fachbereich 07 and the Competence Center for Empirical Research Methods.
- Courses offered as part of the cross-location MAGKS Inter-University Doctoral Program in Economics at the Universities of Marburg, Aachen, Düsseldorf, Gießen, Göttingen, Kassel and Siegen.
- Courses offered by the Graduate Academy of the University of Kassel and other courses in which relevant research-oriented skills are developed.
- Other course offers with a methodological or content focus, e.g. courses from other graduate programs open to external participants, and doctoral colleges or research institutions (e.g. GESIS).
- Summer schools suitable for the topic of the INCHER Graduate School.

Doctoral colloqium:
The doctoral colloquium, which takes place regularly, is a fundamental part of the INCHER Graduate School. It is organized as a block event twice per semester in order to make it easier for external doctoral candidates and other researchers to participate. Starting with the second year of their doctorate, all doctoral candidates at the INCHER Graduate School should present their work at least once a year as part of this colloquium. The presentation is followed by an extensive discussion, which is opened by another doctoral candidate as an assigned discussant. The doctoral candidates at the INCHER Graduate School as well as their supervisors are expected to participate actively and regularly in the doctoral colloquium. Regular active participation and own presentations are required conditions for obtaining the final certificate.

INCHER colloquium and brown bag lunch:
The INCHER Graduate School coordinates its offers in terms of time and structure with the lecture events offered by INCHER. These currently include the research colloquia and the brown bag lunches. The doctoral candidates are invited to take part in these events as well as to present their own results. In this way, it is ensured that the Graduate School is embedded in the larger research discourse at INCHER. The INCHER Graduate School is, thus, an extension of INCHER research initiative and community.