Our research agenda: Industrial transformation for climate targets and the circular economy
Our research focuses on resource- and greenhouse gas-intensive primary industries that are deeply integrated into global supply chains and markets. We are investigating how these industries in Germany and Europe can become climate-neutral and what impact this will have on emissions, energy requirements, resource flows, competitiveness and the international division of labor. The carbon flows in the production system are particularly relevant for us. Complete decarbonization of the plastics industry is not possible, as carbon remains an indispensable component of the products. Our particular focus is therefore on defossilization and the recycling of carbon.
We see four key areas of focus for our research agenda:
Global dynamics in production networks: We are investigating the transformation of global production chains, such as the profound change in the steel industry, which not only affects the demand for renewable energies, but also mining.
Transformation of the automotive industry: Electromobility and new mobility concepts require fundamental changes in the raw materials required, such as steel, plastics and battery materials. This also raises questions about the amount of waste generated at the end of a vehicle's life and its recyclability.
Defossilization of the chemical industry: We are researching ways in which the chemical industry can reinvent itself by moving away from fossil fuels and raw materials.
Systemic biomass utilization: We investigate the role of industry in sustainable carbon management and the potential of biomass utilization in industrial processes.
Prof. Stefan Lechtenböhmer
We are investigating how the resource- and greenhouse gas-intensive basic industries can become climate-neutral and what impact this will have on production networks and markets.
One methodological focus of our work is the use of scenarios and quantitative models to support scenario development. These models draw on extensive amounts of data and unique databases. However, we do not use them to predict developments, but rather to explore possible futures in various scenarios. Quantitative models are therefore an important learning tool for us and help to ensure the consistency of scenarios.