

pandapower combines the data analysis library pandas and the power flow solver PYPOWER to create an easy to use network calculation program aimed at automation of analysis and optimization in power systems.

More information about pandapower can be found on

About pandapower:

Getting Started:

If you are interested in the newest pandapower developments, subscribe to our mailing list!

pandapower is a joint development of the research group Energy Management and Power System Operation, University of Kassel and the Department for Distribution System Operation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel.

We welcome contributions to pandapower of any kind - if you want to contribute, please check out the pandapower contribution guidelines.


pandapipes is an easy to use network calculation program aimed at automation of analysis of district heating and gas systems. It utilizes the data analysis library pandas and is also closely related to the power systems calculation program pandapower. Pandapipes and pandapower can be used in combination to analyze multi energy networks. An environment able to couple both tools is pandapowerpro.

About pandapipes: 

Getting started: 

If you are interested in the newest pandapipes developments, subscribe to our mailing list!

pandapipes is a joint development of the research group Energy Management and Power System Operation, University of Kassel and the Department for Distribution System Operation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel.

More information about pandapower can be found on


Die retoflow GmbH wurde 2021 von den ehemaligen e²n Mitarbeitern Dr.-Ing. Leon Thurner, Jannis Kupka und Simon Drauz gegründet. retoflow bietet eine Softwareplattform zur Planung von Strom- und Rohrnetzen als Planungswerkzeug für Verteilnetzbetreiber und Stadtwerke an. Die Softwareplattform basiert auf den am Fachgebiet federführend mitentwickelten Open Source Tools pandapower und pandapipes

Mehr Informationen unter:

More information about retoflow can be found on

DIgSILENT PowerFactory

WECC generic photovoltaic system model

Download: WECC generic photovoltaic system model [PFD]

Nordic test system

Nordic test system for the investigation of voltage stability, implemented in PowerFactory.
See the paper "Implementation and validation of the Nordic test system in DIgSILENT PowerFactory" for details.

Additional information at IEEE PES.

Download: Nordic test system [PFD]

Cold Load Pickup (CLPU) time series and statistics

Time series of reconnection current after outages.
Explanatory publication: Cold Load Pickup Model Adequacy for Power System Restoration Studies

Data download: CLPU_data