Who are we

You didn't get into a seminar again?

You feel unfairly treated or just don't know what to do?

You are new at the university and lack an overview?

You keep coming across points in your studies that bother you?

Or do you want to take a look behind the scenes and get involved in discussions with the mid-level faculty and professors?

Then you have come to the right place: We will take up your concerns and try to find a solution together.


What is the student council?

In our student council plena, committed students of sociology, political science and history meet to jointly influence developments in the department. It doesn't matter if you are studying for a Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree or a teaching degree: We represent our interests!

What is the difference between Fachschaft and Fachschaftsrat?

Strictly speaking, the student council includes all students of the department. The student council, on the other hand, consists of only 20 members and is always elected for one year in the summer semester. However, we do not make a distinction between elected and non-elected members in the meetings: Everyone present has the right to vote!

Why should I get involved in the student council?

No one is completely satisfied with their study conditions, and if they are, it's worth the effort to keep it that way. The student council offers a platform to introduce your own suggestions for improvement in the design of your studies and to actively participate in shaping them. In addition to the obligatory committee activities, we deal with a wide variety of things in our working groups, such as the Prios procedure, reaccreditation, our social media presence, and of course parties and game nights. Committee work and socializing - both are possible here!

But I have so little time as it is!

Working on the student council is not a full-time job. Much more important than a large time budget is reliable cooperation. The offer is versatile and we are looking forward to your ideas!

But I'm only in my second semester...

That's not a problem, but rather an advantage! With a more unbiased view on things, you often see much more. Don't worry if you don't understand everything right away - you still don't after years of student council work.

So: Why student council?

As with every voluntary activity, committed people meet here who are willing to spend part of their free time for better (study) conditions. In addition to acquiring "soft skills" in our projects and working groups, you can meet nice people and take a look behind the scenes of the department and the university. So just drop by and help to improve the university in our sense!