13.02.2023 | Kunst und Ökonomien

Post Graduate Art Talks: Mi You

Vortrag am Goldsmiths College der University of London am 13.02.2023

Am 13. Februar hält Prof. Dr. Mi You im Rahmen von Post Graduate Art Talks einen Vortrag am Goldsmiths College. Hier finden Sie den originalen Veranstaltungshinweis. Nachfolgend finden Sie einen Ausschnitt aus dem Veranstaltungstext:

Local, localist, international or internationalist? Geographical Imaginations of the Silk Road

In my talk, I will sketch out the analytical framework of “geographical imaginations” through which I will examine the silk road as an artistic trope in both academic, state sanctioned art and critical contemporary art. With this, I aim to discern (geo)political orientations from stylistic choices and institutional affiliations that constitute the reading of an artwork beyond art historical terms.

This analytical framework also addresses some of the larger questions concerning contemporary artistic production, namely, how to make geo-specificity-based art in emancipatory ways, how can they not lend themselves to populist politics, and what are the possibilities of an internationalist politics today?

Time and location: 5.30pm LG.02, Prof Stuart Hall Building, Goldsmiths New Cross.