Program Description

Description of Master's Program "Electrical Communication Engineering" (ECE)

The master's program "Electrical Communication Engineering" (ECE) is being offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kassel. Upon successful completion of the program, the student is awarded a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

Essentially, the program is intended for students with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Electrical Engineering, Communications or related area. It is possible to start the program either in the winter term or the summer term. All courses are given in English. In parallel to the scientific education, the students learn German and get accustomed to the German way of life. A service package is being offered to assist and support students from outside Germany in administrative affairs, accomodation etc.

The program comprises four semesters (two years), where the first three semesters are devoted to courses, seminars and lab trainings organized in modules. The fourth semester is used exclusively for the final thesis module. In each semester, modules totalling 30 credit points must be attended.

Presently, the topics of the modules cover different aspects of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layer model for communication systems including

  • Wireless Communications (6 modules)
  • Electromagnetics (4 modules)
  • Microwaves (6 modules)
  • Optoelectronics (4 modules)
  • Hardware Components for Communication Systems (3 modules)
  • Enabling Technologies for Communication Systems (6 modules).

Students are free to enroll in modules according to their interests. Courses can be chosen from a specific topic to specialise in it or combined from different topics to get an overview over different aspects in communication systems.

Upon reception of the M.Sc. degree, students interested in academic research and teaching careers can pursue a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) in different areas of communications comprising the aforementioned topics. The objective of the program is to enable the student to work in different fields of electrical communications, both in academia and industry. This comprises jobs in R & D departments, consulting, operation and maintenance, patent issues, acquisistion of projects, etc. Have a look at our alumni careers.

Image: ECE