
Elective Modules Cairo

module titlecourse titlecourse ECTSmodule ECTSsite
Bio EnergyBio Fuels24Cairo
 Potentials of Bio Waste2  
Development of Renewable Energy ProjectsProject Planning and Tendering35Cairo
 Project Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance2  
Fundamentals of REEEConversion Processes47Cairo
 Fundamentals in Energy Efficiency3  
Solar Energy DevicesSolar Thermal Heating26Cairo
 Concentrated Solar Thermal Devices2  
 Photovoltaic Devices2  
Economic and Ecological Aspects of REEEEnvironmental Issues and Managing the Effects (Global Climate Change)28Cairo
 Macroeconomic Aspects of RE2  
 Engineering Economics and Feasibility Studies for REEE2  
 Potentials of RE in the MENA Region and Europe2