Dr.-Ing. Nour Mansour

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
34121 Kassel
WA-altes Gebäude (WA 73), ohne Raumangabe

Vita  (Dr.-Ing. Nour Mansour)

Jan, 2018: Promotion im Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik der Universität Kassel

Jan, 2015: Betreuung des Master-Programms „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region“ (REMENA); Programmentwicklung, Durchführung Lehrveranstaltungen, Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten.

Juni, 2013 - Dez, 2017: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik der Universität Kassel

April, 2013: M.Sc. Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE), im Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik der Universität Kassel

Sep, 2009: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Damaskus Universität

Publikationen  (Dr.-Ing. Nour Mansour)

Vaddadi, V.K.P., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2024. Chase Combining Hybrid ARQ Type II Cross-Layer Optimization for Underlay Cognitive Radio, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 25-th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2024 (WCNC2024). Dubai, UAE, S. TBD.
Reddy, S.P., Abd-Elhady, M.S., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2024. Enhancing the Efficiency of Solar-powered Water Distillation Units by Utilization of Waste Heat. Water Practice and Technology wpt2024304. https://doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2024.304
Dahlhaus, D., Moerman, I., Mansour, N., et al. (Hrsg.), 2024. Towards Functional Safety in Dynamic Distributed Systems. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, River Publishers. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.13052/jmm1550-4646.2016
Shaya, P., Handte, T., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D. (Hrsg.), 2023. Implementation and Analysis of Soft Combination for High Reliability in Future Wireless LANs. IEEE, Dubrovnik.
Mansour, N., Vaddadi, V.K.P., Dahlhaus, D., 2022. Cross-Layer Optimization for Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems With Multicarrier Transmission

, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 14th IEEE CICN International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, December 2022. Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU), Al-Khobar, S. 577–584.
As-Sayid Ahmad, L., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2022. Robust Cooperative Primary User Detection in Malicious Cognitive Radio Networks, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2022 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom). Sofia, S. 65–71.
Hakobyan, G., Fink, M., Soyolyn, A., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2020. Sweep-based Spectrum Sensing Method for Interference-Aware Cognitive Automotive Radar, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2020 IEEE Radar Conference. Florence, Italy, S. 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/RadarConf2043947.2020.9266361
Vaddadi, V.K.P., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2018. Geolocation Based Channel Access for Underlay Cognitive Radio, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), The Tenth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2018). IEEE, Hangzhou, China, S. 1–7.
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2018. Filter-Bank Based Joint Bit and Power Loading for Underlay Cognitive Radio, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Fall. IEEE, Chicago, USA, S. 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1109/VTCFall.2018.8690931
Mansour, N., 2018. DFT Modulated Filter Bank Transceivers for Interweave and Underlay Cognitive Radio. Kassel press GmbH, Kassel, Germany.
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2017. Filter-Bank Based Adaptive Transmission for Underlay Cognitive Radio, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE, ICC 2017, S. 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2017.7997386
Saad, A., Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2016. Cognitive Radio Prototype for Industrial Applications, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), European Wireless conference, EW16, OULU, FINLAND, MAY 2016. S. TBD.
Sharma, M., Dahlhaus, D., Al Halaseh, R., Mansour, N., 2015. Interference-Aware Time-Frequency based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), In Proc. Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (2015 RTUWO). S. TBD. https://doi.org/10.1109/RTUWO.2015.7365750
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., Keshavamurthy, P., 2015. Synchronization and Channel Estimation in DFT Modulated Filter Bank Cognitive Radio Transceivers, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), The 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS’2015, Cairns, Australia. S. TBD. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSPCS.2015.7391763
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2015. Post Detection Integration in DFT Modulated Filter Bank for Cognitive Radio Transceivers, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), 2015 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015). NN, S. 14–18. https://doi.org/10.1109/BlackSeaCom.2015.7185077
Shah, I.A., Dahlhaus, D., Mohamad, U., Mansour, N., Hunziker, T., 2014. Recursive Spatial Multiplexing in Interference-Limited Indoor Scenarios, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT), 2014 IEEE 21st Symposium on. S. TBD. https://doi.org/10.1109/SCVT.2014.7046707
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., Shah, I.A., Hunziker, T., 2014. Recursive Spatial Multiplexing with a Capacity-Limited Feedback Channel, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014, Sydney, Australia. Sydney, Australien, S. 5325 – 5329. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICC.2014.6884167
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2014. Interference in DFT Modulated Filter Bank Transceivers for Cognitive Radio, in: IEEE (Hrsg.), European Wireless 2014 (EW2014). Barcelona, Spain, S. 768–774.
Mansour, N., Dahlhaus, D., 2014. Implementation Aspects in DFT Modulated Filter Bank Transceivers for Cognitive Radio, in: Science Publishing Group (Hrsg.), International Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). New York, USA, S. TBD.