
Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Aner, Kirsten
Professor, Section: Life Stages and Ageing
Prof. Dr. Arndt, Ann-Kathrin
Professor, Section: Educational Science with an Emphasis on Inclusive Education
Prof. Dr. Banafsche, Minou
Professor, Section: Social Law
Prof. Dr. Benecke, Cord
Professor, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Prof. Dr. Bennewitz, Hedda
Professor, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Prof. Dr. Bereswill, Mechthild
Professor, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Prof. Dr. Bode, Ingo
Professor, Section: Social Policy, Organization and Society
Prof. Dr. Domenech, Madeleine
Professor, Section: Elementary School Didactics, Multilingualism and Social Participation
Prof. Dr. Dreßler, Susanne
Professor, Section: Music Education
Prof. Dr. Ebersbach, Mirjam
Professor, Section: Developmental Psychology
Prof. Dr. Ernst, Andreas
Professor, Section: Environmental Systems Analysis and Environmental Psychology
Prof. Dr. Fischer-Lescano, Andreas
Professor, Section: Just Transitions
Prof. Dr. Fischer, Natalie
Professor, Section: Education and Social Relationships in Schools
Prof. Dr. Flückiger, Christoph
Professor, Section: Clinical Psychology II
Prof. Dr. Frericks, Patricia
Professor, Section: So­ci­ology and Eco­nomy of the Wel­fare State
Prof. Dr. Freytag, Verena
Professor, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Prof. Dr. Hänze, Martin
Professor, Section: Educational Psychology
Associate Dean
Prof. Dr. Heinzel, Friederike
Professor, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Prof. Dr. Hemming, Jan
Professor, Section: Systematic Musicology
Prof. Dr. Hirschberg, Marianne
Professor, Section: Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Prof. Dr. Höynck, Theresia
Professor, Section: Child and Juvenile Law
Prof. Dr. Hollederer, Alfons
Professor, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Prof. Dr. James, Sigrid
Professor, Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Prof. Dr. Kaul, Ina
Professor, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Prof. Dr. Kissmann, Ulrike Tikvah
Professor, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Prof. Dr. Krahn, Carolin
Professor, Section: Historical Musicology
Prof. Dr. Kuhn, Hans Peter
Professor, Section: Empirical Research in Education
Prof. Dr. Lindner, Reinhard
Professor, Section: Theory, Empirical Studies, and Methods for Social Therapy
Prof. Dr. Lipowsky, Frank
Professor, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Prof. Dr. Lüke, Timo
Professor, Section: Education with an Emphasis on Inclusion-Oriented Diagnostics, Case Analysis and Counseling
Prof. Dr. Mayer, Ralf
Professor, Section: General Education
apl. Prof. Dr. Merrill, Julia
Adjunct Professor, Section: Systematic Musicology
Prof. Dr. Meurs, Patrick
Professor, Section: Psychoanalysis
Prof. Dr. Möller, Heidi
Professor, Section: The­ory and Meth­od­o­logy of Coun­seling
Prof. Dr. Otyakmaz, Berrin Özlem
Professor, Section: Psychological Fundamentals of Social Work
Prof. Reißmann, Wieland
Professor, Section: Popular Music
Prof. Dr. Rohstock, Anne
Professor, Section: Historical Education Research and Democracy Education
Prof. Dr. Rummer, Ralf
Professor, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Prof. Dr. Sauter, Julia
Professor, Section: Psychology of Law
Prof. Dr. Scharf, Florian
Professor, Section: Psychological Research Methods
Prof. Dr. Schroeders, Ulrich
Professor, Section: Psychological Assessment
Prof. Dr. Schrödter, Mark
Professor, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Prof. Dr. Skorsetz, Nina
Professor, Section: Elementary school development and multi-perspective subject teaching
Prof. Dr. Welti, Felix
Professor, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Westphal, Manuela
Professor, Section: Socialisation with an emphasis on Migration and Intercultural Education
Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Johannes
Professor, Section: In­di­vidual Dif­fer­ences and Per­son­al­ity Psy­cho­logy
Dr. Kachel, Sven
Substitute Professorship
Dr. Pauling, Sven
Substitute Professor, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Dr. Schemmel, Jonas
Substitute Professor, Section: Psychology of Law
Dr. Tyagunova
Substitute Professor, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Prof. Dr. Becker, Peter
Honorary Professor and Chief Judge at the Federal Social Court (ret.)
Dr. med. von der Stein, Bertram
Honorary Professor, Section:Theories and Methods of Psychosocial and Clinically Oriented Counseling
Boeckhorst, Ilona
Office Assistant of the Dean
Braun, Christiane
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Martin Hänze
Brill, Mareike
Office Assistant of the Dean
Collard, Sabine
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Aner
Condado, Susana
Office Assistant of the Dean
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Nina Skorsetz
Eckelmann, Grit
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Minou Banafsche
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Theresia Höynck
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ingo Bode
Frodyma, Julie
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmermann
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schroeders
Ghaussy, Maryam
Office Assistant for the Primary School Workshop
Herfeld, Iris
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Sigrid James
Keyvandarian, Farnaz
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ralf Rummer
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Marc-André Reinhard
Kolckhorst, Martina
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mirjam Ebersbach
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller
Ladwig, Edgar
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Alfons Hollederer
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mark Schrödter
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Felix Welti
Lautenschläger, Jana
Department Office Assistant, Department: Psychology
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Cord Benecke
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Florian Scharf
Ochtendung, Ute
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Natalie Fischer
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs
Pitz, Christina
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Manuela Westphal
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Aner
Prast, Susanne
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Friederike Heinzel
Pusceddu, Birgit
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Hedda Bennewitz
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ralf Mayer
Schaub, Andrea
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Kuhn
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Julia Gasterstädt
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Anne Rohstock
Schmoll, Sarah
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Patricia Frericks
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Lindner
Stieglitz, Anja
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Dorit Bosse
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Madeleine Domenech
Stredak, Michaela
Department Office Assistant, Department: Music
Office Assistant, Section: Historical Musicology
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming
Office Assistant of Prof. Susanne Dreßler
Achaa-Amankwaa, Priscilla
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Assessment
Aquilino, Paolina
Research Assistant, Section: Systematic Musicology
Arnold, Tim
Research Assistant, Section: The­ory, Em­pir­i­cism, and Meth­ods of So­cial Ther­apy
Dr. Austermann, Nele
Research Associate, Section: Just Transitions
Becker, Clarissa Swenja
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Inclusion and School Development
Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte im Institut für Sozialwesen
Becker, Saskia
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Beforth, Ann-Christin
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Bentele, Jasmin
Research Assistant, Section: Historical Education Research and Democracy Education
Beyerlein, Michael
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dr. Blasse, Nina
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Dr. Bleck, Victoria
Academic Councilor for a limited Period, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Böhnert, Anne
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Brennecke, Julia
Research Assistant, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Buhr, Henrike
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Busch, Lara-Sophie
Research Assistant, Section: Psychology of Law
Cholibois, Anne-Sophia
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Cirit, Simay Birce
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Cropp, Carola
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Dannenberg, Alexandra Louisa
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Danzglock, Maria
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Psychology
Degen, Ben
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Dieckmännken, Ines
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Dittmann, René
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Eckhardt, Lina
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Ende, Luise
Research Assistant
Ewering, Elena
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Früchtenicht, Sophie
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Dr. Glim, Sarah
Research Associate and Lecturer, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Görenekli, Fatime
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Götzfried, Julia
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Dr. Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin
Research Associate, Section: Clinical Psychology II
Dr. Grabosch, Anna
Research Associate, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Grevenhaus, Christin Janine
Research Associate, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Gutjahr, Fabienne
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Methodology of Counseling
Dr. Gutmann, Andreas
Research Associate, Section: Just Transitions
Haider, Jasmin
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dr. Harders, Benjamin
Research Associate, Section: Developmental Psychology
Dr. Haskaraca Kizilay, Feride Nur
Research Associate, Section: Developmental Psychology
Hellwig, Julia
Referent for Professional Practical Studies and Professional Internship
Dr. Henkel, Miriam
Research Associate, Section: Clin­ical Psy­cho­logy I
Hennemann, Loreen
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Methodology of Counseling
Höppner, Julia
Research Associate, Section: Sociology and Economy of the Welfare State
Dr. Hoier, Sabine
Referent for Professional Practical Studies and Professional Internship
Dr. Jankowsky, Kristin
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Assessment
Janßen, Christina
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dr. Job, Ann-Katrin
Research Associate, Section: Clinical Psychology II
John, Timo
Research Assistant, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Dr. Jung, Geraldine
Study Program Counseling, Department: Psychology (B.Sc. Psychologie)
Study Program Counseling, Department: Psychology (M.Sc. Klinische Psychologie and Psychotherapie)
Jurasik, Jasmina
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Keintzel, Salomé Li
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Research Methods
Kilian, Juri
Research Assistant, Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Kistner, Anna-Lisa
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Inclusion and School Development
Klene, Johanna Theresa
Research Assistant, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Dr. Klingebiel, Franz
Research Associate, Section: Empirical Research in Education
Knoth, Nils
Research Assistant, Section: Developmental Psychology
Dipl.-Psychologist Köhler, Birgit
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Psychological Psychotherapist
Dr. Körner, Anita
Research Associate, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Korn, Franziska
Research Assistant, Section: Socialisation with an emphasis on Migration and Intercultural Education
Krug, Amelie
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Kullik, Joanna
Research Assistant, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Löffler, Charlotte
Research Assistant, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Löwenberger, Kristin
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Ludwig, Anne
Research assistant
Malai, Dumitru
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Mayer, Dennis
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Empirics of Health
Mehmel, Lisa
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Milwa, Deborah
Research Assistant, Section: Elementary school development and multi-perspective subject teaching
Müller-Behme, Patrik
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Dr. Munder, Thomas
Research Associate, Section: Clinical Psychology II
Mundt, Daria
Research Assistant, Section: Developmental Psychology
Dr. Mundt, Elisabeth
Research Associate, Section: Educational Psychology
Nägel, Luisa
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Nemeth, Lea
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Osterberg, Johannes
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Pätzold, Felix
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Parajuli, Saru
Research Assistant, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Parschick, Sarina
Research Assistant, Section: So­cial policy, Or­gan­isa­tion and So­ci­ety
Petermann, Fanny
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Poholski, Corinna
Research Assistant, Section: Psychoanalysis
Probst, Greta Helene
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology II
Raupach, Evelyne
Research Assistant, Section: Elementary School Didactics, Multilingualism and Social Participation
Reimann, Janina
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Dr. Reinhardt, Nina
Research Assistant, Section: Social Psychology
Remmert, Max Frederic
Research Associate, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Dr. Richey, Petra
Research Associate, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Richter, Katja
Research Assistant, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Röhn, Kerstin
Private lessons Saxophone, Director Woodwind Ensemble
Roßkopf, Claudia
Research Assistant, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
Rzejak, Daniela
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Scharnowski, Nadine Sinja
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology II
Scheitz, Nike
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Schellberg, Aniela
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Psychology
Schilling, Natalie
Research Coordinator, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Schmidt, Nadine
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Schmitt, Jonas
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Dr. Schneider, Ralf
Senior Teacher
Dr. Schreyer, Patrick
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Schülle, Mirjam
Research Assistant, Section: Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Schulz, Inge
Research Assistant, Section: Sociological Methodology of Qualitative Reconstructive Research
Dr. Schulz, Sarah
Research Associate, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Schwarz, Jochen Uwe
Research Assistant, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Schwarz, Stella
Research Assistant, Section: Child and Juvenile Law
Seidel, Franziska Anna
Research Assistant, Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Shaka, Emine
Research Assistant, Section: Primary School Pedagogy (Research Training Group "INTERFACH")
Sillah, Fatou
Research Assistant, Section: Just Transitions
Speck, Kim-Laura
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Research Methods
Research Associate, Section: General Education
Stache, Stefan Andreas
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Stahl, Lea
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Relationships at School
Dr. Thalheim, Vinzenz
Research Associate, Section: Social Pedagogy of Children and Youth
Dr. Tiedemann, Norma
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Trautwein, Tim
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Assessment
Treffurth, Julius
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Trienekens, Jan
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
Dr. Turba, Hannu
Research Associate, Section: So­cial policy, Or­gan­isa­tion and So­ci­ety
Valentin, Johanna
Research Assistant, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Relationships at School
van Haaren, Yannik
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Veltin, Louisa
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Vögtler, Laetitia
Research Assistant, Section: Music Education
Dr. Vogel, Sebastian
Research Associate, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Dr. Volz, Matthias
Research Associate, Section: Clinical Psychology I
Walter, Jonas
Research Assistant, Section: Psychological Assessment
Wechuli, Yvonne
Research Assistant, Section:Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation
Dr. Weißgerber, Sophia Christin
Research Associate, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Wendt, Leon
Research Assistant, Section: In­di­vidual Dif­fer­ences and Per­son­al­ity Psy­cho­logy
Dr. Weyrich, Katharina
Coordinator of the Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy (FoSS)
Dr. Wittig, Steffen
Research Associate, Section: General Education
Zimmermann, Jannik
Research Assistant, Section: Theory and Methodology of Counseling
Zinn, Jonas
Research Assistant, Section: Life Stages and Ageing
Beilharz, Roman
Lecturer, Department: Music (media practice, jazz/​pop harmony, individual drum lessons)
Dr. Bischoff, Anna
Lecturer, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Work and Education
Dr. Dosch, Erna
Lecturer, Section: Section: The­or­y and Meth­ods of Social Pedagogy
Dr. Harders, Benjamin
Lecturer, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Herzig, Eva
Lecturer, Department: Music (Vocals)
Dr. Heyer, Lea
Lecturer, Section: Social Policy, Organization and Society
Jordan, Leonora Micah
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Dr. Krawiec, Veronika
Lecturer, Section: Educational Psychology
Dr. Lindner, Isabel
Lecturer, Section: Cognitive Psychology
Dr. Lorenz, Jennifer
Lecturer, Section: Empirical Research in Education
Michels, Paula
Lecturer, Section: Educational Psychology
Dr. Perels, Marko
Lecturer, Section: Sociology of Social Differentiation and Socio-culture
Pyras, Olaf
Lecturer, Department: Music (Drums and Percussion), Director of Drum and Percussion Ensemble (Composition Project: "new sounds for young ears")
Richter, Katja
Lecturer, Department: Social Work und Social Welfare
Dr. Roost, Katja
Lecturer, Section: Psy­cho­lo­gical As­sess­ment
Dr. Seip, Maria
Lecturer, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Relationships at School
Dr. Seyer, Anne-Fernandine
Lecturer, Section: Educational Psychology
Dr. Vogelsang, Martina
Lecturer, Section: Developmental Psychology
Volkmer, Uwe
Lecturer, Department: Music (Piano)
Walter, Felix
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Wegener, Claudia
Lecturer, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Weißer, Deborah
Lecturer, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Lecturer, Section: Empirical Research in Education
Werbick, Regina
Lecturer, Section: Music Theory and Aural Training (Composition, Aural Training, Analysis)
Dr. Zimmermann, Julia
Lecturer, Section: Empirical Research in Education
Lecturer, Section: Educational Science with an emphasis on Social Relationships at School
Brandenstein, Nicola
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Breitenbach, Lisa
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Briewig, Oliver
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Ertelt, Jens
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Fernys-Adamietz, Helena
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Franz, Dominique
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Elementary school development and multi-perspective subject teaching
Fuß, Christina
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Education with an Emphasis on Inclusion-Oriented Diagnostics, Case Analysis and Counseling
Goldbach, Petra
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Kakalick, Silvia
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Kopp, Ann-Katrin
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Basic Secondary Level
Kretzschmar, Anne
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Lange, Beate
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Leverenz, Petra
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Educational Science with an Emphasis on Inclusive Education
Neitzel, Olaf
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Primary School Pedagogy
Stein, Melanie
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Tabari Rad, Patricia
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: School Education with an Emphasis on the Higher Secondary Level
Weerkamp, Katharina
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Music Pedagogy
Achaa-Amankwaa, Priscilla
Study Program Counseling, Department: Psychology (M.Sc Psychologie)
Boiger, Adele
Bildungs- und gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Kernstudium für L1- und L2-Studierende
Braun, Christiane
B.Sc. Psychologie, M.Sc. Psychologie, M.Sc. Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Collard, Sabine
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Mechthild Bereswill
Semester Schedule of Social Studies
de Figueiredo, Márcia
Office of the Dean
Harnecker, Valentin
Processing Unit for Professional Studies and Internship
Heiderich, Julia
Study Program Coordination and Counseling L5 Förder- und Inklusionspädagogik
Herfeld, Iris
Teaching Assignments
Knierim, Bianca
BA Soziale Arbeit, MA Diversität - Forschung - Soziale Arbeit, MA Sozialpädagogik in Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, MA Soziale Arbeit (Contact for Students with Last Names from A to K)
Lenz, Melanie
Study Affairs
Meyer-Hesseln, Regine
Bildungs- und gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Kernstudium für L3-Studierende
Nickel, Simone
Study Program Coordination and Counselling Kernstudium
Partsch, Angelika
Office Assistant of Prof. Ina Kaul
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Marianne Hirschberg
Reef, Ute
Förderpädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusion
Reindl, Tim
Study Affairs
Richter, Jessica
Bildungs- und gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Kernstudium für L1-Studierende
Röber, Andreas
IT Administration
Schäffer, Gabriele
BA Soziale Arbeit, MA Empirische Bildungsforschung, MA Diversität - Forschung - Soziale Arbeit, MA Sozialpädagogik in Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, MA Soziale Arbeit (Contact for Students with Last Names from L to Z)
Schneidler, Jessica
Department Office Assistant, Department: Social Work and Social Welfare
Seuring, Silke
Study Affairs
Zankl, Gabriele Maren
IT Administration