em. Prof. Dr. Norbert Kruse

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Prof. (ret.)

    Kurt-Wolters-Strasse 5
    34125 Kassel
    Room 2051

☏+49 561 804-3326

Dear students!

Since 01 April 2021 I am retired.

For the current transition period until the new professorship is filled, I will continue to be available for exams and for the state exam. Please visit my office hours for this purpose, for which you can register on Moodle.

In the winter semester 2021/22 my professorship will be replaced by Dr. Sarah Jagemann (Bergische Universität Wuppertal).

The office hours take place regularly on Mondays 10-12 h during the winter semester.

You can still register for office hours via the Moodle course only !

The mandatory exam colloquium for the Fall 2021 exams will be held on Monday, April 19 12 - 2 pm via Zoom session.
The link will be sent in a timely manner. For the Spring 2022 exams, a date for the exam colloquium will be announced in time at the beginning of WS 21/22.
For the Fall 2022 exams, the date for the exam colloquium will be announced at the beginning of SS 22.

The tutors of substitute professor Sarah Jagemann are Yasmin Umbach, Carolin Sattler and Christian Wagler. Contact via the page of substitute professor Sarah Jagemann.