Publications and lectures

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Scientific publications


  • "Corona is only over when the corona criminals who orchestrated everything have been brought to justice and we, the people, have ensured that something like this can never happen again." On the argumentative production of plausibility in conspiracy theories. Lecture at the Second Political Linguistics Colloquium of the Working Group Language in Politics at the University of Kassel, 21.03.2024.
  • "We call this 'Wehret den Anfängen', regardless of whether these beginnings are brown, red or rainbow-colored." On the argumentative production of plausibility in gender conspiracy theories. Lecture at the conference Genderpragmatik (annual conference of the ALP) at the Ruhr-University Bochum, 27.02.2024.
  • Language in conspiracy theories. Guest lecture at Leibniz Universität Hannover, 13.12.2023 (together with David Römer, at the invitation of Sina Lautenschläger).
  • Conspiracy theories. Linguistic patterns of their plausibilization. Lecture as part of the conference of the doctoral college GeKKo in Hofgeismar, 27.10.2023.
  • Wahlkampfsprache: Die Grünen und FDP. Lecture with Christine Riess and David Römer at the conference "Zur Debatte. Wahlkampfsprache Landtagswahl Hessen 2023 - Wie werben Politiker:innenin Krisenzeiten um Zustimmung?" at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, 26.09.2023.
  • Language in conspiracy theories. Guest lecture at TU Darmstadt, 20.06.2023 (together with David Römer, at the invitation of Nina Janich).
  • Language in conspiracy theories. Guest lecture at the University of Cologne, 07.06.2023 (together with David Römer, at the invitation of Bettina Bock).