Study, study requirements and everything else you need to know

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Degree, foreign language skills, previous standard period of study: For the study of the binational master, some requirements must be met. more...

The focus of the program is on the reflective use of German language and literature as well as on German studies research in an international environment. more...

German language and literature students take wing...

"You're studying German abroad? Why is that?"  - is a common reaction, when you tell people that you are studying German language, culture and literature in Germany and Hungary. Despite all doubts: The binational Master is worthwhile in more than one respect. more...

How do I pay for the mandatory semester abroad? Do I need to know Hungarian to study? These and many other questions may arise when deciding on this master's program. Answers can be found here... 

check & go

The following checklist shows at a glance what you should consider before and during your stay abroad. Work through it and you can start your semester abroad stress-free. To the checklist...