The study program

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The course of study - What exactly do you study?

The focus of the program is on the reflective use of German language and literature as well as German studies research in an international environment. In the course of study, linguistic and literary contents and research traditions are to be juxtaposed and reflected upon in mutual dialogue. The focus of the study program is on dealing with aspects of cultural studies, the consideration of language and literature in a European context, and the interlocking of domestic German studies with German studies abroad.

The curriculum provides for students to study at their home university (Kassel or Szeged) during the first two semesters and at the respective partner university during the third semester. The fourth semester, which is reserved for writing the master's thesis, can be completed either in Kassel or Szeged. The program is designed for four semesters and concludes with a double degree (one certificate from each of the two universities).

(preliminary as of WS 2014/15)         

Total number of students

(as of 2004)
Seminars: approx. 30-100 persons; Lectures: up to approx. 500 persons

Size of seminars/lectures in German Studies

Seminars: approx. 5-10 persons; Lectures: up to approx. 50 persons


  • Linguistics
  • Literary Studies
  • Medieval Studies


Main focus of German Studies


  • Linguistics
  • Literary Studies
  • Austrian Literature and Culture


WiSe: mid-October - mid-February (then lecture-free period) 

SoSe: mid-April - mid-July (then lecture-free period)

Lecture schedule

WiSe: beginning of September - middle of December (afterwards exam period)

SoSe: beginning of February - beginning of May (afterwards exam period)

Grades from 1 (very good) - 5 (poor), with thirds included (1.3 or 1.7 etc.)

Grading system

Reverse grading system: 5 = very good, 4 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 2 = sufficient, 1 = deficient, 0 = insufficient
Central canteen, K10


Surrounding cafés e.g. the Pivo and the Nyugi

Proximity to city center

easily accessible by bus, train, car, bicycle and on foot

Stops: Holländischer Platz, Weserspitze, Katzensprung

Accessibility of the university

Near city center

easily accessible by bus, train, car, bicycle and on foot

Stops: Széchenyi tér, Aradi vértanúk tere

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... I experienced a different way of studying. The time at the University of Kassel was full of new possibilities, so I got to know various areas of German Studies from a different perspective." Kitti Kovács, 4th semester (University of Szeged)


Application deadlines: 9/15 & 3/15.