Master's program German as a foreign and second language

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Since students who complete the Master's program in German as a Foreign and Second Language will either work in the practical professional field of teaching German as a foreign and second language or seek further qualification (doctorate) for work in higher education (mostly at their home universities), the program refers to both a professional field-related and a science-oriented demand. Therefore, the training focuses on the theory and practice of foreign and second language German teaching as well as its empirical research.

Image: Paavo Blåfield

General program information

Master of Arts

A Bachelor's degree in German as a foreign language, German studies or another language-related subject or a professionally equivalent university degree with a standard period of study of at least six semesters and a grade of 2.5 or better



Good German language skills as evidenced by TestDaF Level 4, DSH-2 or an equivalent examination  (foreign students are exempt from this requirement).



A detailed, linguistically flawless letter of motivation in German (approx. 3000 characters, including spaces), which provides information about the academic aptitude and personal motivation for the Master's program in German as a Foreign and Second Language. In addition, it should contain statements about existing teaching experience and - with reference to the structure, content, focus and objectives of the program - statements about specific study interests as well as the professional goals pursued with the Master's degree.

When writing your letter of motivation, please be sure to adhere to the guidelines provided by the DaFZ department!!!

Winter term

with German certificates: September 01

with international certificates: July 15

The currently valid Subject Examination Regulations for the Master's Program German as a Foreign and Second Language can be found here. 

Amendments and corrections:

Third Regulation Amending the Examination Regulations for the Consecutive Master's Program German as a Foreign and Second Language of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel.


Corrigendum to the MPO 2017 - Advanced Module 4 (VM4)
Corrigendum to the MPO 2017 - Application Module 1 (AM1)


Module coordinators in the Master's program DaFZ can be found here.


Please note that new subject examination regulations came into effect on 01 October 2017.


The reading version of the old subject examination regulations from July 15, 2015 can be found here.

Detailed information on the application and enrollment process can be found here.

Download area

Here you will find the most important regulations as well as examples of study plans for the Master's program German as a Foreign and Second Language

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