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The DaFZ teaching and research area would like to offer an interested audience the opportunity to take part in discussions on current trends and developments in the subject at its conferences and lecture series.

Online Conference "Interaction Competence in DaFZ"

November 8 and 9, 2024

Online conference "Cooperation and Interaction in German as a Foreign and Second Language" together with Philipps University Marburg and Reitaku University (Japan).

November 8 and 9, 2024: More Infos

49th FaDaF Annual Conference "Kassel - Mittendrin in DaF und DaZ" (Kassel - right in the middle of DaF and DaZ)

From September 1 to 3, 2022, the 49th FaDaF Annual Conference took place at the University of Kassel under the motto "Kassel - Mittendrin in DaF und DaZ" and the day before (August 31, 2022) the DaF/DaZ Junior Conference.

More Infos

48th Annual Conference DaF/DaZ: "Freiburger FaDaF-Thementage" in cooperation with the University of Kassel

The 48th annual conference DaF/DaZ of the Fachverband Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache e.V. (FaDaF) was organized under the title "Freiburger FaDaF-Thementage" in cooperation with the University of Kassel and the FaDaF by the PH Freiburg. It took place digitally from June 3 to 5, 2021.

FaDaF 2021: More Infos

Digital teaching and learning in DaFZ classes

March 5, 2021

an online conference of the Department of German as a Foreign and Second Language, organized and conducted together with students in the context of a seminar

March 5, 2021: More Infos

Language education and DaZ promotion - concepts for planning and implementing language-conscious subject teaching in linguistically heterogeneous classes

December 1, 2018

a symposium for teachers and multipliers

in cooperation with the Department of Linguistics and Didactics (Institute of German Studies)

December 1, 2018: More Infos

Focus PHONETICS - Creative Approaches to Pronunciation Training in German as a Foreign and Second Language

February 15 and 16, 2018

a conference of the department of German as a foreign and second language

February 15 and 16, 2018: More Infos

Multilingualism as an Opportunity "Atlas of Multilingualism in Europe

July 3-5, 2017

a conference from the conference series "Multilingualism as an Opportunity

in cooperation with the Forum Lesen and the Volkshochschule Region Kassel

July 3-5, 2017: More Infos

German after X: Multilingualism from a comparative linguistic perspective

Winter semester 2016/2017

a lecture series of the Department of German as a Foreign and Second Language

Winter semester 2016/2017: More Infos

Literacy skills and literacy in German as a second language

January 22 and 23, 2016

a symposium of the department of German as a foreign and second language

January 22 and 23, 2016: More Infos

Language learning - creative, active, action-oriented

15 and 16 January 2015

a conference with workshops of the department German as a Foreign and Second Language

15 and 16 January 2015: More Infos

Scientific language competencies in the university context: demanding, evaluating - but how to promote?

16 and 17 January 2014

a conference of the department of German as a foreign and second language

16 and 17 January 2014: More Infos