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Image: Nina Skripietz

Projects and cooperations

Cross-phase reflective teacher education with ePortfolio

(together with the ZLB)

Virtual city rallies in Kassel: discovering Franco-German places through 360-degree learning environments

(together with the DFH)

Acquiring French Intonation/Spanish Pronunciation in a Multilingual Context: Possibilities of Autonomous Digital Learning for German-Turkish Students

(together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Gabriel and Jonas Grünke, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Digitization and foreign language teaching: On the applicability and effectiveness of digital tools in L3 acquisition.

(Review of various tools)

Multilingual and Intercultural Learning (MIL): Establishment of a teaching and learning platform for the promotion of multilingual and intercultural competencies.

funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF and the European Union (together with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Eibensteiner, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Multilingual and Intercultural Learning (MIL): Establishment of a teaching and learning platform for the promotion of multilingual and intercultural competencies.: Read More

Virtual Reality and Multilingualism: A Didactic Arrangement in University Teaching for the Professionalization of Future Foreign Language Teachers.

Current promotions

Ángela Falero-Morente

Working title: Promover la pronunciación en la clase de ELE considerando las lenguas de origen y las lenguas aprendidas del alumnado: análisis empírico desde la perspectiva del profesorado.

Bianka Götz

Working title: Quasicanon in the Spanish classroom: theory building, empirical research, and practical classroom implementation - subject didactic and literary studies perspectives.

Pino Malena

Working title: Digital Vocabulary Acquisition in Foreign Language Teaching. An Empirical Study of the Applicability and Effectiveness of Digital Media in Spanish and English Vocabulary Acquisition.

Céline Wieders-Lohéac

Working title: Edification. Rhetorical Strategies in the Jesuit Lettres édifiantes et curieuses (1773-1776).

Completed doctorates

Jannik Schwebel-Schmitt

Learning democracy in the foreign language classroom: learners' competences, feedback and attitudes. An explorative study in Spanish.