
Regulations of the Doctoral Program in Humanities (GeKKo) of Faculty 02 of the University of Kassel

The HumanitiesDoctoral College (GeKKo) at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Kassel is an interdisciplinary, cross-thematic college that is decidedly humanities and cultural studies-oriented in its methodology and objectives. It serves to promote young academics and thus to further develop the research potential of the humanities at the University of Kassel. The college cooperates with the Social Sciences Graduate Center of the Faculty of Social Sciences (KIGG) as well as with other affiliated institutions at the University of Kassel.
By resolution P/836 of August 31, 2010, the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College of Faculty 02 was established as an academic institution of the University of Kassel in accordance with Section 37 (5) HHG. The Dean's Office of Faculty 02 organizes the doctoral college in accordance with the Presidential Board's resolution by means of these regulations.

2.1 The aim of the doctoral college is to provide intellectual, non-material and financial support for individual doctoral projects in order to promote successful and speedy completion.
2.2 The focus of the funding is on doctoral candidates in the humanities and cultural sciences at the University of Kassel, who are accepted as members(doctoral candidates) of the Research Training Group upon application (cf. 4.1.2.).
2.3 The fellows are continuously supported by subject-specific and interdisciplinary programs that contain elements of a doctoral program and include professional qualification measures to support further career planning.
2.4 Embedding the individual projects in the institutional framework of the doctoral program should help to intensify contacts between the members of the program. A key educational objective is to impart a scholarly habitus that explicitly includes the ability to communicate within the interdisciplinary network of the humanities and cultural sciences.
2.5 The promotion and maintenance of supra-regional and international academic contacts is a further concern of the doctoral program.

Funding is provided by state funds, which are allocated to the doctoral college by Faculty 02 within the scope of its possibilities.

4.1 Doctoral students
4.1.1 Members of the doctoral college are primarily doctoral students at Faculty 02 of the University of Kassel. They form the group of doctoral candidates.
4.1.2 A prerequisite for membership is an application (approx. 5-7 pages) accepted by the spokespersons of the doctoral college. Accepted doctoral students are expected to present their dissertation project in a plenary session and to submit a short written interim report (approx. 1.5 years after admission). They are also expected to participate continuously in conferences, lectures, workshops and other meetings of the doctoral program.
The aim is to complete a full-time doctorate within three years. Individual exceptions can be agreed in consultation with the doctoral candidate, the supervisor and the management.
Membership of the doctoral college is not a prerequisite for opening a doctoral procedure.
4.1.3 Membership ends with the completion of the doctorate, i.e. on the day of the defense at the latest. Otherwise, membership ends on the day on which acceptance as a doctoral candidate expires in accordance with the AB-PromO of the University of Kassel as amended.
4.2 Candidates and associated participants
4.2.1 Participation in the events of the program is open by invitation to advanced students who are pursuing a doctorate(candidates).
4.2.2 Furthermore, academics who already hold a doctorate and are working on a habilitation project or hold a junior professorship may participate in the events of the Research Training Group as associated participants.
4.3 Management
4.3.1 The management of the doctoral program is assumed by two spokespersons who are members of Faculty 02. One spokesperson is a member of the Board of Professors elected by the Faculty Council of Faculty 02. The second spokesperson is a member of the Dean's Office of Faculty 02 and is appointed by the Dean. The term of office is generally two years. Re-election or re-appointment is possible.
4.3.2 The two spokespersons represent the doctoral college externally. They decide on applications for admission and individual support measures and regulate day-to-day operations (detailed planning of lectures, conferences, etc.). They draft the guidelines for the annual budget planning in coordination with the management committee.
4.3.3 Both spokespersons are supported in their planning and coordination by a member whose activities are financed by funds from the Doctoral College if possible.
4.4 Steering Committee
4.4.1 The Steering Committee of the Doctoral College decides on the strategic objectives, plans and measures of the Doctoral College.
4.4.2 In addition to the two spokespersons, it consists of two further members of the Board of Professors elected by the Faculty Council of Faculty 02 and three members elected by the doctoral students. These should include at least one WB and one external doctoral candidate who does not have a position at the university.
The term of office is usually two years. Re-election is possible.
4.4.3 The Steering Committee shall meet at least once per semester. The current version of the University of Kassel's Rules of Procedure shall apply. The spokesperson elected by the Faculty Council of Faculty 02 chairs the meetings of the committee. He/she may be represented by the second spokesperson.
4.4.4 In the event of a conflict between doctoral candidates and their supervisors, the spokespersons or individual members of the governing body shall mediate if mediation is desired.

5.1 The research training group regularly organizes public lecture and discussion events at the University of Kassel. In addition to academics from the University of Kassel, experts from Germany and abroad will also be invited to give lectures.
5.2 In addition, propaedeutic workshops (e.g. rhetoric seminars, advice for humanities project proposals, etc.) are offered within the framework of the research training group, which may be organized in cooperation with the KIGG (Faculty 05) or with other institutions of the University of Kassel that are active in the field of structured promotion of doctorates.
5.3 Every semester, the Kolleg organizes an external working conference lasting several days for the Kolleg members, to which their supervisors and candidates are also invited. External researchers may also be invited.
5.4 Excursions to suitable research institutions (e.g. Munich State Library, SUB Göttingen, Wolfenbüttel etc.) are also planned.
5.5 The Kolleg supports the self-organization of members into smaller working groups according to methodological and/or thematic classes or clusters, also for the preparation of lectures and conferences.

Faculty 02 makes suitable rooms available to the Kolleg as lounge and meeting rooms with computer workstations within the scope of its possibilities, primarily for Kolleg members without a position at the university.

Kassel, November 16, 2010

The Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Literature
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gardt