August 2016

Termination of work in the study seminar and in the school (retirement) Continued work on the apl. professorship and in the editorial office of the Prolog publishing house

Since January 2010

Appointment as associate professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel

June 2009

Re-professorship from the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Frankfurt to the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel


Appointment to a working group in the Hessian Institute for Quality Development (IQ) and partial secondment to develop educational standards for the subject of politics and economics, since 1/09 as spokesperson

Jan. 2007 Jan. 2008

Chair of the state-wide module group of subject leaders for politics and economics at the Office for Teacher Education Hesse

2006 Summer 2008

Partial secondment to the Hessian Office for Teacher Education (Frankfurt), among other things revision of the modularization in the 2nd phase of teacher education

Spring 2007

Appointment as director of studies at the Studienseminar für Gymnasien Kassel as subject leader for social studies/ politics and economics

January 2006

2nd Habilitation: University of Frankfurt, Fb Social Sciences, in: Political Science with focus on Didactics of Social Sciences


Appointment as adjunct professor at the Department of Education at the University of Marburg


Teaching assignment at the Studienseminar für Gymnasien Kassel for social studies/ politics and economics


Re-appointment to the Department of Education at the University of Marburg


Promotion to Oberstudienrat at the Jacob-Grimm-Schule Kassel in connection with a position for opening the school and advising colleagues in the field of social studies

1999 2000

Member of the planning staff of the "Historical-political and work-world oriented education" department of the Hessian State Institute for Education (conception and management of HELP courses)


Appointment as private lecturer at the University of Hamburg


1st habilitation at the University of Hamburg with a topic in health sciences


Doctorate in economics and social sciences (Dr.rer.pol) at the University of Kassel


Lifetime appointment

1978 1980

Traineeship and 2nd state examination for the teaching profession at the Gymnasium1981 Completion of the double degree program in Sociology (M.A.) at the University of Giessen

1971 1976

Studies of political science, physical education and history at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 1st state examination (teaching profession at grammar schools) double study in sociology (M.A.)


    • Empirical evaluation studies of civic education in upper secondary schools ('mixed methods'), research reports in: Moegling, K./ Schude, S. (eds.): Transparency in Teaching and Schools. Part 1, pp. 220-229, further in: Schude, S./ Moegling, K. (eds.): Transparency in teaching and in school. Part 2, pp. 70-86.


    • Research project "Concepts and reactions of schools to right-wing extremist tendencies", literature analysis of the German-language and English-language state of publications, expert interviews, group interviews with young people. Partial publication: Klaus Moegling (2010): On dealing with the topic of "right-wing extremism" in schools. In: Amt für Lehrerbildung Hessen (ed.): Schule mit Courage - Rechtsextremismus als pädagogische Herausforderung. Frankfurt/ M., 1-21.


    • Research project "Science propaedeutic learning in high-achieving learning groups of secondary school II", questionnaire interviews with qualitative and quantitative items, longitudinal study with 4 interview dates, students of the advanced course "Politics and Economics", published in: Klaus Moegling: Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik unter dem Aspekt forschenden Lernens - ein Politikwerkstatt-Projekt eines Leistungskurs 'Politik und Wirtschaft'. In: Gerd Steffens (ed.): Politische und ökonomische Bildung in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Münster 2007, 301 - 319.


    • Evaluation of science teaching in the gymnasiale Oberstufe: using the example of interdisciplinary teaching and project teaching (mathematics, sports, computer science, sociology) (questionnaire method, motor tests) (in cooperation with StR Sibylle Brinkmann (JGS) and StR Thorsten Meyfarth (JGS and Uni Kassel/ FB Mathematik) students/ Year 11 of the JGS, published in: Sibylle Brinkmann/ Klaus Moegling/ Thorsten Meyfarth: Evaluation fächerübergreifenden Unterrichts (Mathematik, Sport, Informatik, Soziologie) am Beispiel einer Projektwoche. In: Klaus Moegling (Ed.) et al: Didactics of independent learning. Bad Heilbrunn, September 2004, 194-214.
    • Project "Transitions" (currently in cooperation with OStR Gabriele Dybowski, JGS and Studienseminar Kassel): Expectations of students from different secondary I schools regarding the performance standard of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, assessment of own coping capacities, interests in forms of independent research-based learning, interest in compensatory teaching. (Questionnaire method). Publication in: Klaus Moegling (ed.) et al: Didactics of independent learning. Bad Heilbrunn, 2004, 123-141.
    • Project "Evaluation of independent learning in reform pedagogical schools" (in cooperation with colleagues Reformschule Kassel and Jacob-Grimm-Schule Kassel) Pupils of reform-oriented elementary school and secondary I and II schools, explorative study, publication in: Klaus Moegling (ed.) et al: Didactics of independent learning. Bad Heilbrunn, September 2004, 123-141.


    • Research project "Democracy and Right-Wing Extremism" (DEUREX) at the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel, University of Kassel, Department of Social Sciences (political didactics), adults and young people from Northern Hesse, data collection and analysis completed, published in: Moegling, K.: Politikwerkstatt - Ein Ort politischen Lernens in der Schule. Bad Schwalbach 2003, pp.64-89.
    • Evaluation of model project on "Independent Learning in Politics and Economics", students of grades 11 and 12, in cooperation with PD Dr. Martin Hänze (University of Kassel), data analysis completed, research report: Martin Hänze/ Klaus Moegling: Forschendes Lernen als selbstständigkeitsorientierte Unterrichtsform: Persönliche Voraussetzungen und motivationale Wirkmechanismen. In: Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, (2004) 51, 113-125 and in Klaus Moegling/ Martin Hänze: Wissenschaftspropädeutisches Lernen im Politikunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe. in "Kursiv", 2004, H.1., 60-66.


    • Project: "Interests of socio-political education at the Gymnasium"(political didactics, questionnaire with open and closed items, study group: students of grade 9 and 10 of a Gymnasium, department of social sciences of Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel and Fb Gesellschaftswissenschaften Uni Kassel, data collection and analysis completed, published in: (in collaboration with Mina Aryobsei/ Sven Schicht and Dorothea Thomas) Klaus Moegling: Schüler evaluieren ihren Politikunterricht. In: Contemporary Studies (2000), H.4, 493-503.).


    • Interdisciplinary year 11 project at the Albert-Schweitzer-Schule Kassel on the topic of "traffic/transportation". Preparation and implementation of the project, as well as empirical evaluation, qualitative interviews and questionnaire method, research group: grade 11 teachers and students teaching in the grade, data collection and analysis completed, published in: Moegling, K. (ed.): Gymnasium aktuell. Vol. Heilbrunn 2000, 287-300.

    Political didactics/educational science/school pedagogy book publications:


    Klaus Moegling: Reordering. A peaceful and sustainably developed world is (still) possible. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto 2019, 2nd updated & expanded edition.


    Klaus Moegling: Cultural Transfer and Educational Innovation. How schools can prepare the next generation for the future of globalization. Immenhausen bei Kassel 2017, now: Opladen, Berlin, Toronto.


    Klaus Moegling/ Catrin Siedenbiedel (eds.), "I would abolish homework as well as Sitzenbleiben." 19 interviews on central questions of school pedagogy. Immenhausen bei Kassel 2017, now: Opladen, Berlin, Toronto.


    Dorit Bosse/ Klaus Moegling/ Johannes Reitinger (eds.): Reform der Lehrerbildung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Part II: Practice models and discussion. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Manfred Bönsch/ Klaus Moegling (eds.): Binnendifferenzierung. Part 2: Teaching examples for binnendifferenzierten Unterricht. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Reiner-Hildebrandt-Stramann/ Ralf Laging/ Klaus Moegling (eds.): Body, movement and school. Part 1: Theory, research and discussion. Immenhausen near Kassel 2013.


    Reiner-Hildebrandt-Stramann/ Ralf Laging/ Klaus Moegling (eds.): Body, Movement and School. Part 2: School profiles of moving schools and practice of moving learning. Immenhausen near Kassel 2013.


    Andreas Füchter/ Klaus Moegling (Eds.): Diagnostics and Support. Part 1: Didactic basics. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Andreas Füchter/ Klaus Moegling (Eds.): Diagnostics and Support. Part 2: Examples from teaching practice. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Andreas Füchter/ Klaus Moegling (Eds.): Diagnostics and Support. Part 3: Research results. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Klaus Moegling: Ökonomische Bildung im Politikunterricht. Didactic concept, models and practice of political-economic education. Immenhausen near Kassel 2012.


    Horst Peter/ Klaus Moegling/ Bernd Overwien: Political Education for Sustainable Development. Education in the area of tension between economy, social justice and ecology. Immenhausen near Kassel 2011.


    Klaus Moegling/ Bernd Overwien/ Wolfgang Sachs [eds]: Global learning in political education. Immenhausen 2010


    Klaus Moegling: Kompetenzaufbau im fächerübergreifenden Unterricht. Immenhausen near Kassel 2010.


    Klaus Moegling: Interdisciplinary learning - ways of holistic learning in school. Bad Heilbrunn 1998 (with a foreword by Herbert Gudjons).


    Klaus Moegling (ed.): Gymnasium aktuell - Anregungen zeitgemäßer gymnasialer Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn 2000 (with a foreword by Frauke Stübig)


    Klaus Moegling/ Horst Peter: Sustainable Learning in Political Education - Learning for the Society of the Future. Opladen 2001 (with a foreword by Hans Immler).


    Klaus Moegling: Die Politikwerkstatt - ein Ort politischen Lernens in der Schule. Schwalbach/ Ts 2003 (with a foreword by Gerd Steffens)


    Klaus Moegling (Ed.): Didactics of Independent Learning. Foundations and Models for Secondary Levels I and II. Bad Heilbrunn 2004


    Klaus Moegling: Teaching Politics in Secondary Level II. Action orientation versus scientific propaedeutics. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2006


    Klaus Moegling/ Swantje Hadeler/ Gabriel Hund-Göschel (eds.): What are good schools? Part 1: Conceptual considerations and discussion. Immenhausen near Kassel 2016.


    Gabriel Hund-Göschel/ Swantje Hadeler/ Klaus Moegling (eds.): What are good schools? Part 2: School profiles and teaching practice. Immenhausen near Kassel 2016.


    Swantje Hadeler/ Klaus Moegling/ Gabriel Hund-Göschel (eds.): What are good schools? Part 3: Research findings. Immenhausen near Kassel 2016.


    Klaus Moegling/ Sabrina Schude (eds.): Transparency in teaching and school. Part 1, Immenhausen bei Kassel 2016.


    Sabrina Schude/ Klaus Moegling, K. (Eds.): Transparency in teaching and in school. Part 2, Immenhausen bei Kassel 2016.

    Politic didactic/ educational science/ school pedagogical essay publications on the topic of "education/ teaching at secondary level I and II" (selection).


    Klaus Moegling: Learning with the head and the body. In: Pedagogy (1996), H.6, 29-33.


    Klaus Moegling/ Jürgen Stummer: Institutionenkunde lebensnah gestalten. In: Pedagogy, (1997), H.10, 37-40.


    Klaus Moegling: Identity and Life History. In: Pedagogy and School Life, (1997a), H.1, 104-117.


    Klaus Moegling/ Jörg Schramm: We are building a wind turbine. In: Pedagogy, (1998), H.7-8, 8-12.


    Klaus Moegling/ Helga Starke: Sex education - taught in a coordinated way. In: Pedagogy, (1998), H.4, 10-14.


    Klaus Moegling: From alternative days to project weeks. Sustainable teaching and learning. In: Festschrift of the ASS Kassel. Kassel 1999, 47-49.


    Klaus Moegling: Learning from the "Case". The Politics Workshop in Secondary School I. In: Festschrift of the ASS Kassel. Kassel 1999, 58-62.


    Klaus Moegling: Becoming independent through play. The subjects sport and social studies work together. In: Sportpädagogik (1999), H.4., 30-32.


    Klaus Moegling: Pupils encounter the right to petition using the example of the conflict over the expansion of a basalt quarry. In: Bockhofer, R. (ed.): Changing politics with petitions. Baden-Baden 1999, 408-415.


    Klaus Moegling: Betriebspraktikum - Chancen einer kognitiv anspruchsvollen Verarbeitung praktischen Lernens. In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 146-162.


    Klaus Moegling: Politikwerkstatt als handlungsorientiertes Konzept politischer Bildung. In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 173-180.


    Klaus Moegling: Students evaluate their political education. In: Gegenwartskunde (2000), H.4, 493-503.


    Klaus Moegling: The part as such does not exist - Holism and interdisciplinary learning. In: Forum Schule heute (1999), H.4, 10-12.


    Klaus Moegling: On the Necessity of a Pedagogical Reconstruction of the Gymnasium. In: Moegling, K.(ed.): Gymnasium aktuell - Anregungen zu einerzeitgemäßen gymnasialen Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn 2000, 16-24.


    Klaus Moegling: Contemporary educational requirements for the Gymnasium. In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 25-92.


    Klaus Moegling: Pedagogical Initiative at the Albert Schweitzer School Kassel. In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 253-263.


    Klaus Moegling: Model of a grammar school entrance level. In: Moegling, K. (ed.): op. cit., 264-271.


    Jürgen Bangert/ Klaus Moegling: Project Weeks - Common Teaching and Learning Experiences of the School Community. In: Moegling, K. (Ed.) (2000): op. cit., 272-282.


    Klaus Moegling: Grade level cooperation for interdisciplinary learning - "Nothing goes AUTOmatically". In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 287-301.


    Klaus Moegling: Perspectives of gymnasial school development. In: Moegling, K. (ed.) (2000): op. cit., 302-321.


    Klaus Moegling: Zeitgemäße gymnasiale Bildung. Social Developments and Implications for Practice. In: The German School (2001), H.3, 291-301.


    Klaus Moegling: The idea of the policy workshop. The Politics Workshop as an Action-Oriented Supplement to Regular Instruction. In: Kursiv (2001), 44-46.


    Klaus Moegling: Educational Horizons - Teaching and Learning for Sustainability and Social Balance. In: SPW, 2001, H. 121, 30 f.


    Klaus-Peter Haupt/ Klaus Moegling: Independent and Interdisciplinary Learning. Constructivist thinking as a teaching and learning principle. In: The Teacher's Handbook, C/ 3.1., 1-17, Berlin 2001.


    Horst Peter/ Klaus Moegling: Inflationary Use or Categorial Enrichment? - On the use of the term "sustainability" as a didactic category. Ulla Burchhardt/ Reinhold Rünker (eds.): Nachhaltigkeit als Reformprinzip. Festschrift on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Horst Peter. Dortmund 2002, 80-98.


    Klaus Moegling: Das DEUREX-Projekt - Rechtsextremismus als Thema einer Politikwerkstatt. In: Jung, E. (ed.): Rechtsextremismus als gesellschaftliches Problem. Schwalbach/Ts. 2003, 117-148.


    Martin Hänze/ Klaus Moegling: Forschendes Lernen als selbstständigkeitsorientierte Unterrichtsform: Persönliche Voraussetzungen und motivationale Wirkmechanismen. In: Psychology in Education and Teaching, (2004) 51, 113-125.


    Klaus Moegling/ Martin Hänze: Science-propaedeutic learning in political education at the gymnasiale Oberstufe. In: Kursiv, 2004, H.1., 60-66.


    Sibylle Brinkmann/ Klaus Moegling/ Thorsten Meyfarth: Evaluation of interdisciplinary teaching (mathematics, physical education, computer science, sociology) using the example of a project week. In: Klaus Moegling (Ed.) et al: Didactics of independent learning. Bad Heilbrunn 2004,194-215.


    Klaus Moegling: Science Propaedeutic Learning in the Subject Politics and Economics - a Grade Level Evaluation. In: Klaus Moegling (ed.) et al: Didactics of independent learning. Bad Heilbrunn, 2004, 239-263.


    Klaus Moegling/ Gerd Steffens: In the mainstream of political didactics - introspective views. In: Polis, H. 3 (2004), 19-21.


    Anja Brinner/ Lisa Ludwig/ Klaus Moegling/ Hannah Schurian: The WiPoFluenz Project. A science-propaedeutic policy workshop project in political education. In: Reinhardt, Volker (ed.): Projekte machen Schule. Project teaching in political education. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2005, 182 -203.


    Brisca Sobat/ Klaus Moegling: Ökonomische Lektüre in der Jahrgangsstufe 12 - Zur Vereinbarkeit von Text- und Handlungsorientierung. In: Society, Economy, Politics. H. 4 (2005), 477 - 488.


    Horst Peter/ Klaus Moegling: Prospects for Democracy against the Pressure of Globalization. In: spw, Themenheft 'Partizipation & Demokratie', H. 2 (2005), 23 - 27.


    Klaus Moegling: Economic and social policy under the aspect of explorative learning - a policy workshop project of an advanced course 'Politics and Economics'. In: Gerd Steffens (Ed.): Political and Economic Education in Times of Globalization. Münster 2007, 301 - 319.


    Klaus Moegling: Teacher Education from 'European Cast'. Problems, approaches and critical questions. In: The German School, H. 2 (2007), 192 - 209.

    Klaus Moegling: Policy Workshop. In: Lange, Dirk (ed.): Methoden politischer Bildung. Baltmannsweiler 2007, 93-99.


    Klaus Moegling: Education for maturity. In: Lange, Dirk (ed.): Conceptions of political education. Baltmannsweiler 2007, 72-83.

    Klaus Moegling: Politisches Handeln/ Handlungsorientierung. Strategies of political education. In: Lange Dirk (ed.): Strategien der politischen Bildung. Baltmannsweiler 2007, 100-107.


    Klaus Moegling: Researching Teaching and Learning. In: Reinhardt, Sybille/ Dagmar Richter (eds.): Politik-Methodik. Handbook for Secondary Level I and II. Berlin 2007, 98-102.


    Klaus Moegling: Expert interviews as hearings. In: Reinhardt, Sybille/ Dagmar Richter (Eds.): Politik-Methodik. Handbook for Secondary Level I and II. Berlin 2007, 123-125.


    Klaus Moegling: Definitorische und konzeptionelle Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung im Politikunterricht. In: Kerstin Backhaus/ Klaus Moegling/ Susanne Rosenkranz: Kompetenzorientierung im Politikunterricht. Competencies, Standards, Indicators in Political Education in Schools. Secondary Levels I and II. Baltmannsweiler 2008, 10-41.


    Klaus Moegling: Das WeDemoFlex-Projekt: Politikwerkstatt-Arbeit zum Thema 'Demokratie in Deutschland'. In: Kerstin Backhaus/ Klaus Moegling/ Susanne Rosenkranz: Kompetenzorientierung im Politikunterricht. Competencies, Standards, Indicators in Political Education in Schools. Secondary Levels I and II. Baltmannsweiler 2008, 127-157.


    Klaus Moegling: Competencies, Standards and Indicators in the Education of Political Education Teachers. In: Kerstin Backhaus/ Klaus Moegling/ Susanne Rosenkranz: Kompetenzorientierung im Politikunterricht. Competencies, Standards, Indicators in Political Education in Schools. Secondary Levels I and II. Baltmannsweiler 2008, 168-176.


    Klaus Moegling: Performance heterogeneity in the transition from lower secondary school to upper secondary school. In: Röhner, Charlotte/ Hans Rauschenberger (Eds.): Competent Teaching and Learning. Hohengehren 2008, 161-182.


    Klaus Moegling: Competence-oriented modules in the education of political science teachers - from inert knowledge to knowledge-based competencies for prospective political science teachers. In: GPJE (ed.): Current theoretical and empirical projects in political didactics.Schwalbach/ Ts., 53-65.


    Klaus Moegling: On dealing with the topic of "right-wing extremism" in schools. In: Amt für Lehrerbildung Hessen (ed.): Schule mit Courage - Rechtsextremismus als pädagogische Herausforderung. Frankfurt/ M. 2010, 1-21.


    Klaus Moegling: critical political didactics and teaching methods. In: Critical political education. A handbook. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2010, 367-375


    Klaus Moegling: Political didactic basic concepts. A proposal from the Hessian curriculum for the subject "Politics and Economics". In: GPJE (ed.): Politikdidaktische Basis- und Fachkonzepte. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2011, 147-155.


    Klaus Moegling: Handlungsorientierung als ein Ziel des Politikunterrichts. To what extent are the standards for political education in Hesse action-oriented? In: Widmaier, Benedikt/ Nonnenmacher, Frank (eds.): Participation as an educational goal. Schwalbach/ Ts. 2011, 181-194.


    Klaus Moegling: Interdisciplinary learning in the context of gymnasial school development. In: Lin-Klitzing et al. (eds.): Aspects of grammar school education. Bad Heilbrunn 2012, 79-92.


    Füchter, Andreas/ Moegling, Klaus: Didactic considerations on critical political education. In: Widmaier, Benedikt/ Overwien, Bernd (eds.): What does critical political education mean today? Schwalbach/ Ts. 2013,78-85.


    Moegling, Klaus: Good teachers have subject and interdisciplinary teaching competencies. In: Höhle, Gerhard (Ed.): What are good teachers? On the profession-related conditions for the success of teaching. Immenhausen near Kassel 2014, 76-98.


    Klaus Moegling: Possibilities of empirical evaluation of political education. In: Petrik, Andreas (ed.): Formate fachdidaktischer Forschung in der politischen Bildung. Schwalbach/ Ts., 201-209.


    Klaus Moegling: On the relevance and need for supplementation of the judgment categories efficiency and legitimacy. In: Politisches Lernen, H. 1-2/ 16, 25-28, revised version, 2016.