Katie Jacque's academic orientation is interdisciplinary and has included cultural studies, linguistics, history, postcolonialism, queer theory, age studies, and more. The BA program Individualized-Studies at Goddard College (Vermont, US) fostered this method, and her research was heavily informed by approaches in Critical Ethnography. Her undergraduate thesis focused on intercultural communication. She explored the landscape of linguistic relativity and hybrid identities through two different linguistic systems. At Humboldt University in Berlin, Katie Jacques studied American Studies with a focus on cultural history, identity, diversity, and mediality studies. There she developed an interest in the politics of public health and the growing field of Age Studies. Her master's thesis took her into the field of cultural mythologies, using two prevalent paradoxes of age as examples to show interactions of age and national identity.

Katie Jacques now works as a research assistant at the University of Kassel, where she is assigned to the Department of the History of Britain and North America. She is currently pursuing her doctorate as part of the DFG research project "The Politics of Rejuvenation in the Transatlantic World."




Master in American Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin MA thesis: "Is Aging un-American? Visiting the City Over the Hill".



Bachelor in Individualized Studies at Goddard College, Vermont, USA BA thesis: "Cross-Cultural Communication and Identity in a Globalized Context."




Tutorial leader of the course "Reading American Literature and Culture" (US literary history from WWI to the present) at Humboldt University, Berlin.


Lecture at the 14th Transatlantic Symposium: "The U.S. Health Care System from a Cultural Perspective in the Digital Age: the Cultural Politics of Crowdfunding" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.