Exam Infos / Supervision

We are happy to supervise theses (MA, BA, Staatsexamen L2, L3) and written as well as oral teacher exams. Prerequisite is that you have taken a class with either Mieke Roscher or André Krebber.

Mieke Roscher examines all topics with a focus on late modern history and especially supervises theses with a focus in animal history, women’s and gender history, the history of national socialism, cultural history of music, fashion and bodies, history of consumption, film history, cultures of remembrance, urban history, environmental history, the history of social movements and colonial history.

André Krebber examines and supervises theses in the areas of animal history, history of knowledge and science, enlightenment studies, popular culture, environmental history and topics relating to environmental sciences and humanities, visual cultures, history of biology, theories of history, history of philosophy, Anthropocene and colonial history of Australasia. The epochal focus is on early and later modern history.

You find further information on exam enrollments for teacher training via Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie (Prüfungsstelle Kassel): https://lehrkraefteakademie.hessen.de/lehrerausbildung/pruefungsstellen/kassel

Further information on exam enrollments for BA and MA can be found via the respective examination boards and examination offices:

