Please register for my consultation hours in advance by email.

During the lecture period:
Monday, 16:00-17:00 in room 2123, Nora-Platiel-Straße 5
Thursday, 14:00 - 15:00 via Zoom
and by appointment.
During the lecture-free period:
Thursday, 14:00 - 15:00 via Zoom
and by appointment.

Since 01/2021Research assistant in the department of "Methods of Empirical Social Research" at the University of Kassel, Faculty 05 - Social Sciences
Since 02/2018Research associate at the Collaborative Research Center 884 "Political Economy of Reforms" at the University of Mannheim
08/2013 - 07/2018Project management assistant at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Heidelberg, Germany
10/2012Graduation Master of Arts, European Studies (focus on political science) at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder
06/2009Graduation Bachelor of Arts, European Studies (focus on social sciences) of the TU Chemnitz
09/2005Graduation as Industrial Clerk in front of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Head Office Apprenticeship Siemens A.G. Munich

Research focus

  • Mixed methods approaches
  • Attitudinal research
  • Comparative welfare state research
  • Political economy
  • Family and gender equality policies
  • Interest organizations

Ongoing projects:

Equality project at the University of Kassel 

Use of wearables in family research: Acceptance and measurement accuracy of small wearable devices in time use research.  

Completed project

Welfare State Reform Support from Below: Linking Individual Attitudes and Organised Interests in Europe, Projekt A6 am Sonderforschungsbereich 884 der Universität Mannheim

Journal articles

  • Reifenscheid, M., Möhring, K. (2023). Towards a new working time paradigm? Public support for trade union demands for working time reduction. Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, 3+4-2022, S. 186-210.

  • Naumann, E., Möhring, K., Reifenscheid, M., et al. (2020) COVID‐19 policies in Germany and their social, political, and psychological consequences. European Policy Analysis 6(2), S. 191–202.
  • Reifenscheid, M., Möhring, K. (2021). Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus in Alltagssituationen. Welche Unterschiede gibt es in der Bevölkerung? Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 70 (2021), No 7-8: S. 473–485. 
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., Friedel, S., Fikel, M., Cornesse, C. & Blom, A. G. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and subjective well-being: longitudinal evidence on satisfaction with work and family. European Societies, 23(Suppl. 1), S. 601–617.


  • Möhring, K., Heinemann, F., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Blom, A. G., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M. & Cornesse, C. (2020). The Mannheim Corona Study: focus report on the subjective unemployment risk of employees in Germany. Mannheim
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Blom, A. G., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M. & Cornesse, C. (2020). The Mannheim Corona Study: focus report on employment and childcare. Mannheim
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Blom, A. G., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M. & Cornesse, C. (2020). The Mannheim Corona Study: focus report on employment in Germany 20.3.-15.4.2020. Mannheim.
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Weiland, A., Blom, A. G., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M. & Cornesse, C. (2020). The Mannheim Corona Study: focus report on the use and acceptance of home office in Germany during the Corona Lockdown. Mannheim
  • Naumann, E., Mata, J., Reifenscheid, M., Möhring, K., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Lehrer, R., Krieger, U., Juhl, S., Friedel, S., Fikel, M., Cornesse, C. & Blom, A. G. (2020). The Mannheim Corona Study: focus report on anxiety in the general population. Mannheim

Contributions to anthologies / handbook

  • Möhring, K., Reifenscheid, M., Weiland, A., et al. (2023). Is the Recession a ‘Shecession’? Gender Inequality in the Employment Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. In: Börner, S. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (Hrsg.): European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. International policy exchange series. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 185–212


  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane, Klenke Alena und Langfeldt, Bettina: Advancing research on time use in the family context using wearable devices?, Barcelona, European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) General Annual Conference September 2024 und Work-Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Bi-Annual Conference Montreal, Juni 2024

  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane, Möhring, Katja: Workplace flexibility and the ideal worker norm - Who supports a legal right to work from home in light of the corona-induced natural homeworking experiment in Germany? ESPAnet Konferenz Warschau, September 2023

  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane: Ungleiche Beschäftigungsverläufe und ihre sozioökonomischen Folgen in der Frühphase der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland (mit Katja Möhring und Andreas Weiland), DGS Kongress Bielefeld, September 2022

  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane: Changing Gender Regimes and the Positioning of Interest Organizations on Family and Gender Equality Policies in Western European Welfare States, 34rd Annual SASE Meeting Amsterdam, Juli 2022 und WFRN-Conference New York, Juni 2022

  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane: Can fathers do it just as well as mothers? A survey experiment on attitudes toward the effects of caregivers on young children's well-being in Germany, ESPAnet Annual Meeting, August 2021.
  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane: Towards a New Working Time Paradigm? Public Support for Trade Union Demands for Working Time Reduction in Germany, 33rd Annual SASE Meeting, July 2021
  • Reifenscheid, Maximiliane: Working Time Reduction and Work-Life-Balance - What is the Public Opinion on Trade Union Demands? (with Katja Möhring), SAMF Annual Meeting, February 2019.