Learning Lan­gua­ges

Some had learned French or English in school and want to develop their knowledge further. Others would like to communicate in the languages of their friends and relatives, for example Korean, Turkish, Portuguese, Kiswahili, or Arabic, instead of German. Some want to have as many languages as possible on their resume and some want to learn German or improve their German skills for different reasons. Or you want to study at a specific university and raise your language skills to an academic level?

No matter what motivation you already have to learn one or more languages or to practice and expand your existing language skills, we will be happy to advise you in your search for:

  • a language course at the University of Kassel, in the region or outside Germany,
  • a tandem partner or language meeting
  • Financing opportunities.

Below you will find institutions and programs related to language learning:

In­ter­na­tio­nal Stu­dy Cent­re / Lan­gua­ge Cent­re (ISZ) of the University Kassel

In­­­ter­­na­­ti­o­­nal Stu­dy Cen­t­­re / Lan­­gua­­ge Cen­t­­re of the Uni­ver­si­ty Kas­sel

is a central institution of the University of Kassel, comprising a Studienkolleg and a Language Center: The Studienkolleg prepares international applicants without sufficient university entrance for studies in Germany. The Language Center is a service facility: it provides a range of over 120 courses in German, foreign languages and key qualifications for students, doctoral candidates, staff, departments and, on request, also for external students.

The International Language Center offers department-specific language courses for FB05 students each semester.

Erasmus+ Online Language Help

With the online language help for participants of Erasmus+ programs you can learn a language or improve your existing language skills.

The online language help is available in all European official languages and no matter if you are studying in the framework of Erasmus+ or doing an internship, you can participate in the online language help. This can happen before and during your stay abroad. The language courses also provide access to numerous coaching activities, for example tutorials, and online courses.

On this page of the European Commission about Erasmus+ and Online Language Support you can read more details.

for students with refugee experience the Erasmus+ online language help is free of charge

There is no Erasmus+ grant for language courses, but there are free online language courses for Erasmus+ scholarship holders.

The initiative "Study worldwide - EXPERIENCE IT!"

of the DAAD and BMBF have compiled blogposts from students about their experiences learning languages and taking language courses. You can access them here and get an impression.

The Language Travel Guide

"... shows independently and informatively ways & possibilities approximately around language journeys & language courses abroad". Also for Student:innen the language journey councellor provided information to kinds of course and program, to advantages of a language journey and a search machine: