Welcome to the political science subdivision „Globalization & Politics“
fon: +49-561 804-3253
fax: +49-561 804-3464
Office, room 2208
Universität Kassel
Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
D-34127 Kassel
Publications, CV
We are committed to teaching and research in the area of the Global Political Economy.
Globalization is the subject of a myriad of texts. Depending on the academic discipline and the theoretical perspective, all aspects of current societies have been attributed to globalization.
Globalization, however, is very often perceived as primarily being an economic phenomenon; as an intensification of cross-border economic activities. Nevertheless, independently of its economic, sociological, or cultural content, globalization is foremost a political phenomenon because the term itself is used for the justification of mainly political measures. For this reason, the study of globalization is well placed in the Political Science area of the faculty of Social Sciences.
Four questions central to "Globalization & Politics":
- What is globalization?
Does the term globalization describe qualitatively or just quantitatively a new phase of capitalist development?
- What are the driving forces of globalization?
Is globalization a product of technological progress, of laws of capitalist development, or of political decisions? What role do nation-states play in bringing about globalization?
- What is the impact of globalization?
Does globalization lead to shifts in the balance of power between business and state, capital and labor, between the sexes, between “natives” and “migrants”, and between “North” and “South”?
- Can globalization be governed?
Can globalization be ignored? Can communities make use of globalization? Or, can the rules governing globalization be changed?
… that’s more than 4 questions….
Publications, CV
„Globalisierung & Politik“ is responsible for the following programs:
- Master's Degree in Global Political Economy: MA GPE
- Master's Degree in Labour Policies and Globalisation: MA LPG
- Doctoral Program:Global Social Policies and Governance
- ICDD Graduate School:Graduate School of Socio-Ecological Research
- International Kassel Summer School:IKSA
And is member of the following research networks:
- DFG-Nachwuchsnetzwerk: Politische Ökonomie der globalen Finanzialisierungsprozesse
- EU network: Systemic Risks, Financial Crisis and Credit (COST Action IS0902)
- DVPW Arbeitskreis: International Political Economy (German Political Science Association)
Nicole Magura
Office hours:
Mondays-Thursdays, 10-12 am
Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
Room 2208
34127 Kassel
Phone: +49 (0) 561 804 3253
Fax: +49 (0) 561 804 3464
Publications, CV
CV, Kurzbio
Universität Kassel
Nora Platiel Str. 1
D-34127 Kassel