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Reinforcement in the team: Roman Höhl
New publication: "The media pedagogical competence of company training personnel - A trend study" (Bonnes, Goller, & Hochholdinger, 2024)
Fourth network meeting - the WÖRLD House is well networked and prepared for the final project year
On December 5 and 6, 2024, the 4th joint meeting of the WÖRLD House took place at the University of Kassel. At this…New publication: "New Work as the key to more workplace-based learning? - Promising thoughts vs. actual work culture" (Gierosz & Goller, 2024)
New publication: "Duale Ausbildungsqualität: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Forschungsstand vor dem Hintergrund neuer Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten" (Deutscher, Abele, Festner, Findeisen, Goller, Harteis, Rausch, & Seifried, 2024)
New publication: "Dynamics of persistence, withdrawal, and dropout intentions in the initial phase of nursing training: A qualitative longitudinal study" (Arianta & Goller, 2024)
The time has come: start of the semester at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training
A warm welcome! - Welcoming the first semester students in the winter semester 2024/25
A warm welcome to all new students on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Business Education, Vocational…Successful disputation by Ms. Katrin Arianta: Staying and leaving intentions of prospective nurses
EARLI SIG 14 'Learning and professional development' in Jyväskylä (Finland)
From August 21 to 23, 2024, the Department of Vocational and Business Education took part in this year's EARLI SIG 14…