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Conference prensentation at the Lahore University of Management Science
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner and Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring presented the topic "value creation" at the Lahore University of…New paper published in the Journal of Frontiers in Psychology
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner's and Prof. Dr. Swati Singh's paper "Consumers’ Body Image Expressions: Reflection of a Snow…EMBS on Youtube
Please check out the EMBS on youtube and don't forget to subscribe.What added value do design patterns provide for the development and legal assessment of novel technologies? - Publication in Electronic Markets
In order to bring legally compliant technologies to market, two points in time are critical: development and legal…Presentation of project results at FQS - Forschungsgemeinschaft Qualität e. V.
Within the framework of the research project "Quality Management for Crowdsourcing", Anna Hupe and Ulrich Bretschneider…Artikel der Stuttgarter Zeitung über das Thema Parität in deutschen Parlamenten
Artikel der Allgemeinen Zeitung Mainz-Rheinhessen zum Thema Herabsetzung des Wahlalters auf 16
Dates for exam review BWL3b
The exam review for the module "BWL3b: Marketing" will take place on Thursday, 23.03.2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 and on…Beitrag in der NWZ über Parität in Parlamenten
Erster unIT-e² Baustellenbericht veröffentlicht
Die Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen ins Energiesystem bringt eine Vielzahl von Herausforderungen mit sich. Welche…