SAP TS410 Course

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Dates for the winter semester 24/25

  • Application deadline: As of now Mail to info[at]ernst-schulten[dot]de
  • Participants will be informed by e-mail.
  • Course delivery: German course full-time (please note that you can choose from two blocks)

Block 1: Full-time German course: 17.02.2025 to 26.02.2025 virtually via Zoom (daily from 09:00 to 15:00)

Block 2: German course full-time: 17.03.2025 to 26.03.2025 virtually via Zoom (daily from 09:00 to 15:00)

  • No dates at the weekend
  • End of the application period: 10.02.2025


Students of the University of Kassel have the unique opportunity to attend a SAP TS410 course with the SAP consultant Mr. Schulten (M. Sc.). This includes an overview as well as the transfer of more than 10 of the most relevant topics and business processes in SAP. Each course participant has the further possibility to obtain a recognized SAP certificate through a subsequent examination.

In principle, the SAP certification course TS410 can also be booked and completed by all interested persons directly at SAP SE without having to meet any special requirements (see again the hyperlink above).

In contrast, for participation in a university course, it is mandatory that participants are enrolled(at the time of registration!) at an institution in the education sector.

While the former alternative costs 7,250.00 Euro net, the course fees at your university are 400.00 Euro. Each student can book the examination of an additional 150.00 euros at the end of the course. You will receive more information about this during the course.

There will be the possibility to refund the exam fee through the university(150€). To do so, please fill out the corresponding application and send it to:

Course participation opens up for every student of the University of Kassel after complete completion of the first semester.

To apply, students must submit the application form and a current grade transcript, via email with the subject line "Application SAP TS410 WS22/23" to  info[at]ernst-schulten[dot]de by the application deadline.

Applications for which documents (application form, grade transcript) are missing, the grade transcript is not current, the subject is worded incorrectly, or the application is submitted outside the application deadline (both earlier and later) will not be considered further in the application process.

Participants for the SAP TS410 course will be selected by lottery from all accepted applications.

Notes on grade entry and certification in the Bachelor's degree program

  1. Grade entry:

    • The option to enter grades is only available to students on the Bachelor's degree program.
    • Please refer to the structure tree in Moodle for specific details and information on the individual modules and courses.
    • In order to have a grade entered for this course, registration in HISPOS within the specified deadline is mandatory. Subsequent registration or entry is not possible.
    • Grades are entered on the basis of SAP certification and the scoreachieved in SAP certification .
  2. Participation without grade entry:

    • It is also possible to participate in the course without having a grade entered.
    • In this case, you will receive an SAP certification after successful participation, which you can present to future employers. This certification attests to your participation and the knowledge you have acquired, but cannot be taken into account as a grade in the course of study.

The publication of the results usually takes about a week. The corresponding link is valid for 6 weeks. In order to have the grades entered, you need to register in HISPOS.
You can decide for yourself whether you want to have the grade entered or just receive a certificate of attendance.

To have your grade entered, please send an e-mail with your result (score) to:

The   participants will be informed by mail. 

Registration form