
Publications in peer-reviewed journals since 2019

Dannenberg, Astrid, Gunnar Gutsche, Marlene Batzke, Sven Christens, Daniel Engler, Fabian Mankat, Sophia Möller, Eva Weingärtner, Andreas Ernst, Marcel Lumkowsky, Georg von Wangenheim, Gerrit Hornung, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), The effects of norms on environmental behavior, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, forthcoming

Asanov, Igor, Anastasiya-Mariya Asanov, Thomas Åstebro, Guido Buenstorf, Bruno Crépon, David McKenzie, Francisco P. Flores, Mona Mensmann and Mathis Schulte (2023), System-, teacher-, and student-level interventions for improving participation in online learning at scale in high schools, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (30), e2216686120

Asanov, Igor, and Maria Mavlikeeva (2023). Can group identity explain the gender gap in the recruitment process? Industrial Relations Journal, 54(1), 95-113.

Bartsch, Simone, Guido Buenstorf, Anne Otto and Maria Theissen (2023). Are employment trajectories of STEM doctoral degree holders gender-specific? Evidence from a large German technical university. Soziale Welt, in press.

Büchele, Stefan and Frank Feudel (2023). Changes in Students’ Mathematical Competencies at the Beginning of Higher Education Within the Last Decade at a German University. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, online first.

Büchele, Stefan (2023). Navigating success in higher education: engagement as a mediator between learning strategies and performance in mathematics. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, online first.

Buenstorf, Guido, Johannes Koenig and Anne Otto (2023). Expansion of doctoral training and doctorate recipients’ labour market outcomes: evidence from German register data. Studies in Higher Education, 48(8): 1216-1242.

Bühren, Christoph and Marvin Gabriel (2023), Performing best when it matters the most: Evidence from professional handball, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, forthcoming.

Bühren, Christoph and Pamela Wicker (2023), Environmental attitudes among Europeans: The moderating effects of volunteering and sports club membership, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, forthcoming.

Bühren, Christoph, Jan Haarde, Christian Hirschmann and Janis Kesten-Kühne (2023), Social Preferences in the Public Goods Game - An Agent-Based Simulation with EconSim, PLOS ONE 18(3).

Bühren, Christoph and Marco Pleßner (2023), IKEA vs Trophy Effect - An Experimental Comparison, Journal of Consumer Marketing 40, 493-505.

Cantner, Uwe, Philip Doerr, Maximilian Goethner, Matthias Hügel and Martin Kalthaus (2023). A procedural perspective on academic spin-off creation: The changing relative importance of the academic and the commercial sphere. Small Business Economics, online first.

Dannenberg, Astrid, and Eva Weingärtner (2023), The Effects of Observability and an Information Nudge on Food Choice, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 120, 102829

Dannenberg, Astrid, Marcel Lumkowsky, Emily K. Carlton, and David G. Victor (2023) Naming and Shaming as a Strategy for Enforcing the Paris Agreement: The Role of Political Institutions and Public Concern, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120 (40) e2305075120.

Dannenberg, Astrid, Gunnar Gutsche, Marlene Batzke, Sven Christens, Daniel Engler, Fabian Mankat, Sophia Möller, Eva Weingärtner, Andreas Ernst, Marcel Lumkowsky, Georg von Wangenheim, Gerrit Hornung, and Andreas Ziegler (2023), The effects of norms on environmental behavior, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, forthcoming.

Engler, Daniel, Gunnar Gutsche, Amantia Simixhiu, and Andreas Ziegler (2023), On the relationship between corporate CO2 offsetting and pro-environmental activities in small- and medium-sized firms in Germany, Energy Economics 118, 106487.

Feine, Gregor, Groh, Elke D., von Loessl, Victor, and Wetzel, Heike (2023), The double dividend of social information in charitable giving; Evidence from a framed field experiment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 101991.

Ferraro , Paul J., Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren, Christian A. Vossler, Timothy N. Cason, Hilary Byerly Flint, Jacob P. Hochard, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Peter Martinsson, James J. Murphy, Stephen C. Newbold, Linda Thunström, Daan van Soest, Klaas van 'T Veld, Astrid Dannenberg, George F. Loewenstein and Leaf van Boven (2023), Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs, Science 381 (6659), 735-737.

Frank, Björn (2023), In the Long Run We're all Dead. The Lives and Deaths of Great Economists. London: Haus

Fuchs, Max and Jochen Michaelis (2023), Is a secondary currency essential? – On the welfare effects of a new currency, Journal of Economics and Statistics 243(2), 153-167.

Gunnar, Gunnar, Wetzel, Heike, and Ziegler, Andreas (2023), Determinants of individual sustainable investment behavior - A framed field experiment, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 209, 491-508.

Haverkamp, Thilo K.G., H. Welsch und Andreas Ziegler (2023), The relationship between climate protection activities, economic preferences, and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence for Germany, Energy Economics 128, 106938.

Heilmann, Erik (2023), The impact of transparency policies on local flexibility markets in electric distribution networks, Utilities Policy 83, 101592.

Kanberger, Elke D. und Andreas Ziegler (2023), On the preferences for an environmentally friendly and fair energy transition: A stated choice experiment for Germany, Energy Policy 182, 113730.

Koessler, Ann-Kathrin, Julia Müller, and Sonja Zitzelsberger (2023), Asymmetric Heterogeneities and the Role of Transfers in a Public Goods Experiment, European Economic Review, 104561.

Lumkowsky, Marcel, Emily K. Carlton, David G. Victor, and Astrid Dannenberg (2023) Determining the willingness to link climate and trade policy, Climatic Change 176 (10), 133.

Thiel, Luzie and Jochen Michaelis (2023), Digitales Zentralbankgeld: Warum wagt niemand den ersten Schritt?, Vierteljahrshefte für Wirtschaftsforschung 92(3), 9-22.

Von Loessl, Victor (2023), Smart meter-related data privacy concerns and dynamic electricity tariffs: Evidence from a stated choice experiment, Energy Policy 180, 113645. 

Von Loessl, Victor, Weingärtner, Eva, and Zitzelsberger, Sonja (2023), Do spatial climate messages increase pro-environmental engagement? Evidence from a survey experiment on public transport,Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 12(2), 168-187.

Barrett, Scott, and Astrid Dannenberg (2022) The Decision to Link Trade Agreements to the Supply of Global Public Goods, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(2), 273-305

Büchele, Stefan, Berndt, Sarah and Annika Felix (2022), Voluntary math remediation for STEM and economics disciplines – who is attending at all? Evidence from Germany, European Journal of Higher Education, online first

Buenstorf, Guido, Dominik P. Heinisch, and Matthias Kapa (2022). International doctoral graduates as inventors in the German innovation system. Industry and Innovation, 29 (4): 488–510

Buenstorf, Guido, Christina Guenther, and Sebastian Wilfling (2022). Submarket emergence, customer base expansion and strategic entry timing in the evolution of the German farm tractor industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31 (4): 1086–1112

Bühren, Christoph and Lisa Träger (2022), The Impact of Psychological Traits on Performance Under Pressure - Experimental Evidence of Handball Penalties, Journal of Sports Economics 23, 3-38

Dannenberg, Astrid, Florian Diekert, and Philipp Händel (2022) The Effects of Social Information and Luck on Risk Behavior of Small-Scale Fishers at Lake Victoria, Journal of Economic Psychology 90, 102493

Dannenberg, Astrid, Olof Johansson-Stenman, and Heike Wetzel (2022) Status for the Good Guys: An Experiment on Charitable Giving, Economic Inquiry 60 (2), 721-740

Diederich, Johannes, Catherine C. Eckel, Raphael Epperson, Timo Goeschl, and Philip J. Grossman (2022), Subsidizing unit donations: matches, rebates, and discounts compared, Experimental Economics 25, 734-758

Dreher, Alexander, Martmann, Lisa Marie, Lehna, Malte, Roelofs, Cyriana, Bergsträßer, Jonathan, Scholz, Christoph, Slaby, Wolfgang, and Wetzel, Heike (2022), AI agents assessing flexibility: the value of demand side management in times of high energy prices, 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2022, 1-9

Fait, Larissa, Elke D. Groh and Heike Wetzel (2022), "I take the green one": The choice of regional green electricity contracts in the light of regional and environmental identity, Energy Policy 163, 112831

Freier, Julia, and von Loessl, Victor (2022), Dynamic electricity tariffs: Designing reasonable pricing schemes for private households, Energy Economics 112, 106146

Groh, Elke D. (2022), Exposure to wind turbines, regional identity and the willingness to pay for regionally produced electricity, Resource and Energy Economics 70, 101332

Groh, Elke D. and Andreas Ziegler (2022), On the relevance of values, norms, and economic preferences for electricity consumption, Ecological Economics 192, 107264

Haefner, Gonzalo, Anja Köbrich León and Janosch Schobin (2022), Frying Nemo? Experimental evidence on anthropomorphism, animal ethics, and food choice, Appetite 173 (1),105989

Köbrich León, Anja and Jansoch Schobin (2022), Romance and the ozone layer: panel evidence on green behavior in couples, Empirical Economics, forthcoming

König, Johannes (2022), Postdoctoral employment and future non-academic career prospects, Plos one 17 (12), e0278091

Leschnig, Lisa, Guido Schwerdt, and Katarina Zigova (2022). Central exams and adult skills: Evidence from PIAAC. Economics of Education Review, 90, 102289

Ozgun, Burcu, and Tom Broekel (2022). Saved by the news? COVID-19 in German news and its relationship with regional mobility behaviour. Regional Studies, online first

Schobin, Janosch (2022), Loneliness and emancipation: A multilevel analysis of the connection between gender inequality, loneliness, and social isolation in the ISSP 2017,  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2), 7428

Victor, David G., Marcel Lumkowsky and Astrid Dannenberg (2022), Determining the credibility of commitments in international climate policy, Nature Climate Change, 12(9), 779-780

Vasconcelos, Vítor V., Astrid Dannenberg and Simon A. Levin (2022), Punishment institutions selected and sustained through voting and learning, Nature Sustainability 5, 578–585

Von Loessl, Victor, and Wetzel, Heike (2022), Revenue decoupling, energy demand, and energy efficiency: Empirical evidence from the U.S. electricity sector, Utilities Policy 79, 101416

Asanov, Igor, Francisco Flores, David J. McKenzie, Mona Mensmann, and Mathis Schulte (2021), Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian high-school students during the COVID-19 quarantine, World Development 138, 105225

Bischoff, Ivo and Julia Hauschildt (2021), Party ideology and vocational education spending: Empirical evidence from Germany, CESifo Economic Studies, 67 (1), 35-60

Bühren, Christoph and Astrid Dannenberg (2021), The Demand for Punishment to Promote Cooperation Among Like-Minded People, European Economic Review  138, 103862

Dannenberg, Astrid and Peter Martinsson (2021), Responsibility and prosocial behavior - Experimental evidence on charitable donations by individuals and group representatives, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 90, 101643

El Ouadghiri, Imane, Khaled Guesmi, Jonathan Peillex, and Andreas Ziegler (2021), Public attention to environmental issues and stock market returns, Ecological Economics 180, 106836

Fischer, Beate, Gunnar Gutsche, and Heike Wetzel (2021), Who wants to get involved? Determining citizen willingness to participate in German renewable energy cooperatives, Energy Research & Social Science 76, 102013

Habla, Wolfgang, Vera Huwe, and Martin Kesternich (2021), Electric and conventional vehicle usage in private and carsharing fleets in Germany, Transportation Research Part D,Transport and Environment 93, 102729

Kesternich, Martin, Andreas Löschel, and Andreas Ziegler (2021), Negotiating weights for burden sharing rules in international climate negotiations: An empirical analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 23 (2), 309-331

Vasconcelos, Vítor V., Sara M. Constantino, Astrid Dannenberg, Marcel Lumkowsky, Elke Weber and Simon Levin (2021), Segregation and Clustering of Preferences Erode Socially Beneficial Coordination, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 118 (50), e2102153118

Asanov, Igor and Vannuccini, Simone (2020), Short- and long-run effects of external interventions on trust, Review of Behavioral Economics 7 (2), 159-195

Beck, Tobias, Christoph Bühren, Björn Frank, and Elina Khachatryan (2020), Can honesty oaths, peer interaction, or monitoring mitigate lying?, Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3) 467-484

Bluffstone, Randall, Astrid Dannenberg, Peter Martinsson, Prakash Jha, and Rajesh Bista (2020), Cooperative behavior and common pool resources, experimental evidence from community forest user groups in Nepal, World Development 129, 104889

Bode, Rasmus, Guido Bünsdorf, and Dominik P. Heinisch (2020), Proximity and learning. Evidence from a post-WW2 intellectual reparations program, Journal of Economic Geography 20 (3), 601-628

Büchele, Stefan (2020), Should we trust math preparatory courses? An empirical analysis on the impact of students' participation and attendance and on short- and medium-term effects, Economic Analysis and Policy 66, 154-167

Bühren, Christoph (2020), Staff rotation as an anti-corruption policy in China and in Germany, An experimental comparison, Journal of Economics and Statistics 240 (1), 1-18

Bünstorf, Guido and Dominik P. Heinisch (2020), Science and industry evolution. Evidence from the first 50 years of the German laser industry, Small Business Economics 54 (2), 523-538

Bünstorf, Guido and Dominik P. Heinisch (2020), When do firms get ideas from hiring PhDs?, Research Policy 49 (3), 103913

Bünstorf, Guido and Johannes König (2020), Interrelated funding streams in a multi-funder university system. Evidence from the German Exzellenzinitiative, Research Policy 49 (3), 103924

Dannenberg, Astrid and Carlo Gallier (2020), The choice of institutions to solve cooperation problems, A survey of experimental research, Experimental Economics 23, 716-749

Dannenberg, Astrid and Elina Khachatryan (2020), A comparison of individual and group behavior in a competition with cheating opportunities, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 177, 533-547

Dannenberg, Astrid, Corina Haita-Falah, and Sonja Zitzelsberger (2020), Voting on the threat of exclusion in a public goods experiment, Experimental Economics 23, 84-109

Groh, Elke D. and Charlotte von Möllendorff (2020), What shapes the support of renewable energy expansion? Public attitudes between policy goals and risk, time, and social preferences, Energy Policy 137, 111171

Gutsche, Gunnar and Bernhard Zwergel (2020), Information barriers and labeling schemes for socially responsible investments, Schmalenbach Business Review 72, 111-157

Kirchner, Philipp (2020), On shadow banking and financial frictions in DSGE modeling, Review of Economics 71 (2), 101-133

Mitze, Timo, Reinhold Kosfeld, Johannes Rode, and Klaus Wälde (2020), Face masks considerably reduce COVID-19 cases in Germany, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 117, 32293-32301

Ziegler, Andreas (2020), Heterogeneous preferences and the individual change to alternative electricity tariffs, Energy Economics 91, 104889 

Bergholz, Christian and Ivo Bischoff (2019), Citizens’ support for inter-municipal cooperation: Evidence from a survey in the German state of Hesse, Applied Economics, 51 (12), 1268-1283

Bischoff, Ivo and Nataliya Kusa (2019), Should wealth transfers be taxed? Evidence from a representative German survey, Public Finance Review 47 (4), 635-661

Bruns, Stephan B., Igor Asanov, Rasmus Bode, Melanie Dunger, Christoph Funk, Sherif M. Hassan, Julia Hauschildt, Dominik Heinisch, Karol Kempa, Johannes König, Johannes Lips, Matthias Verbeck, Eva Wolfschütz, and Guido Bünstorf (2019), Reporting errors and biases in published empirical findings, Evidence from innovation research, Research Policy 48, 103796

Bruns, Stephan B., Johannes König, and David I. Stern (2019), Replication and robustness analysis of energy and economic growth in the USA. A multivariate approach’, Energy Economics 82, 100-113

Bühren, Christoph and Philip J. Steinberg (2019), The impact of psychological traits on performance, Evidence from a tennis field experiment, Journal of Economic Psychology 72, 12-29

Christens, Sven, Astrid Dannenberg, and Florian Sachs (2019), Identification of individuals and groups in a public goods experiment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 82, 101445

Cloos, Janis, Björn Frank, Lukas Kampenhuber, Stephany Karam, Nhat Luong, Daniel Möller, Maria Monge-Larrain, Nguyen Tan Dat, Marco Nilgen, and Christoph Rössler (2019), Is your privacy for sale? An experiment on the willingness to reveal sensitive information, Games 10(3), 28

Dannenberg, Astrid und Sonja Zitzelsberger (2019), Climate experts’ views on geoengineering depend on their beliefs about climate change impacts, Nature Climate Change 9, 769-775

Dreger, Christian, Reinhold Kosfeld, and Yanqun Zhang (2019), Determining minimum wages in China: Do economic factors dominate?, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 31, 44-59

Gallier, Carlo, Timo Goeschl, Martin Kesternich, Johannes Lohse, Christiane Reif, and Daniel Römer  (2019), Leveling up? An inter-neighborhood experiment on parochialism and the efficiency of multi-level public goods provision, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 164, 500-517

Gutsche, Gunnar (2019), Individual and regional Christian religion and the consideration of sustainable criteria in consumption and investment decisions: An exploratory econometric analysis, Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4), 1155-1182

Gutsche, Gunnar and Andreas Ziegler (2019), Which private investors are willing to pay for sustainable investments? Empirical evidence from stated choice experiments, Journal of Banking and Finance 102, 193-214

Gutsche, Gunnar, Anja Köbrich León, and Andreas Ziegler (2019), On the relevance of contextual factors for socially responsible investments: An econometric analysis, Oxford Economic Papers 71 (3), 756-776

Kesternich, Martin, Daniel Römer, and Florens Flues (2019), The power of active choice, field experimental evidence on repeated contribution decisions to a carbon offsetting program, European Economic Review 114, 76-91

Kosfeld, Reinhold and Christian Dreger (2019), Towards an East German wage curve - NUTS boundaries, labour market regions and unemployment spillovers, Special issue: Spatial Econometrics - New Methods and Applications, Regional Science and Urban Economics 76, 115-124

Kusa, Nataliya (2019), Financial Compensation for Intra-Familial Long-Term Care and Childcare in Germany, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 40 (3), 352-366

Michaelis, Jochen and Marco de Pinto (2019), The labor market effects of trade union heterogeneity, Economic Modelling 78, 60-72

Michaelis, Jochen and Andreas Hanl (2019), Digitales Zentralbankgeld als neues geldpolitisches Instrument, Wirtschaftsdienst 99

Palek, Jakob and Benjamin Schwanebeck (2019), Optimal monetary and macroprudential policy in a currency union, Journal of International Money and Finance 93, 167-186

Schmidt, Peter S., Urs von Arx, Andreas Schrimpf, Alexander F. Wagner, and Andreas Ziegler (2019), Common risk factors in international stock markets, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 33 (3), 213-241

Schwirplies, Claudia, Elisabeth Dütschke, Joachim Schleich, and Andreas Ziegler (2019), The willingness to offset CO2 emissions from traveling: Findings from discrete choice experiments with different framings, Ecological Economics 165, 106384

Ziegler, Andreas (2019), The relevance of attitudinal factors for the acceptance of energy policy measures: A micro-econometric analysis, Ecological Economics 157, 129-140