So­phia Möl­ler

University of Kassel
Institute of Economics
Unit Empirical Economic Research
Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804-3146
E-Mail: sophia.moeller[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Office hours: By appointment


Main research areas

Empirical economics, behavioral economics, sustainable investing (SRI), behavioral finance


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Dannenberg, Astrid, Gunnar Gutsche, Marlene Batzke, Sven Christens, Daniel Engler, Fabian Mankat, Sophia Möller, Eva Weingärtner, Andreas Ernst, Marcel Lumkowsky, Georg von Wangenheim, Gerrit Hornung, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), The effects of norms on environmental behavior, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 18 (1), 165-187

"Work in progress"

Engler, Daniel, Marvin Gleue, Gunnar Gutsche, Gerrit Hornung, Sophia Möller, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), Designing fair futures: A choice experiment on preferences for supply chain legislation (working title)

Engler, Daniel, Marvin Gleue, Gunnar Gutsche, Sophia Möller, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), The expressive function of legal norms: Experimental evidence from the Supply Chain Act in Germany (working title)

Engler, Daniel, Gunnar Gutsche, Sophia Möller, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), Optional or obligatory? An analysis of social information provision for climate protection donations (working title)

Engler, Daniel, Gunnar Gutsche, Sophia Möller, and Andreas Ziegler (2024), The power of information nudges for individual sustainable investment: empirical evidence from a framed field experiment (working title)

Gutsche, Gunnar, Sophia Möller, and Heike Wetzel (2024), Personality trades? An empirical analysis of individual personality traits and investment behavior (working title)

Möller, Sophia and Andreas Ziegler (2024), Willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation and climate protection: A comparative empirical analysis for Germany (working title)

Scientific presentations

Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022, 2024), Annual Conference of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (2022), International Choice Modelling Conference (2022), Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (2022), Young Researchers Workshop Committee on Environmental and Resource Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment (2022)


Integrated computer exercise for the course "Panelökonometrie" (MA): SS 2023, SS 2021, University of Kassel

Integrated computer exercise for the course "Microeconometrics" (MA): SS 2024, SS 2022, University of Kassel

Tutorial for the lecture "Statistik I" (BA): SS 2023, WS 2022/2023, SS 2022, University of Kassel

Tutorial for the lecture "Statistik II" (BA): SS 2024, WS 2023/2024, WS 2021/2022, University of Kassel

Tutorial for the lecture "Wirtschaftspsychologie" (BA): SS 2020, WS 2019/2020, SS 2019, WS 2018/2019, SS 2018, WS 2017/2018, SS 2017, SS 2016, WS 2015/2016, SS 2015, WS 2014/2015, University of Kassel

Curriculum vitae

Since 01/2021
Research associate at the Unit Empirical Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the University of Kassel

06/2019 - 12/2020
Student associate at the Unit Empirical Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the University of Kassel

M.Sc. Economic Behavior and Governance, University of Kassel
Topic of master thesis: "Putting the I in Investment: An empirical analysis of the effects of personality traits on individual investment behavior"

10/2014 - 09/2020
Student associate at the Unit Business Psychology at the Institute of Economics of the University of Kassel

10/2014 - 02/2018
B.Sc. Economics and Management, University of Kassel
Topic of bachelor thesis: "An analysis of credit default risks in crowdfunding"