Eco­no­mic Be­ha­viour & Go­ver­nan­ce (EB&Go)


This field of research involves well-founded economic behavioural and legal research at an international level. It connects the innovative field of behavioural economics with interdisciplinary governance research. The research in this field is behaviour-oriented, because it does not just assume traditional behavioural patterns, but often either directly tests alternatives to them or explores how fruitful it is to adopt them into new economic models. The main content focus of the EB&Go research field is on issues of governance. 

How do the regulatory framework, particularly the law, and other steering tools affect the behaviour of people working in companies, other institutions and complete economies? How can they be organised in such a way that the goals of the parties involved and common social goals can be achieved in the best possible way? This field of research therefore makes a contribution towards answering socio-politically relevant issues.

At the same time, the members of this field of research are distancing themselves from any economic and legal research that is purely geared towards an inherently academic formation of theories. The EB&Go field of research provides a link between the innovative field of behavioural economics and governance research. Both behavioural economics and governance research are based on a close dialogue between the various behavioural and social sciences, including psychology and business management. The methods primarily used in this field of research (econometrics, experimental economic research, applied micro- and macro-economic theory, legal dogmatics and, often based on the economic methods already mentioned here, assessing their legal consequences) enable a high level of thematic flexibility, so that the current focal points in terms of content (environmental policy, regional policy, innovations, social policy and labour market policy) should in no way be viewed as a final conclusion.