Current research projects
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Sustainable camel milk production through improved husbandry practices and milk value chain >>>Details
BMEL (2024-2027)
Decision support for strengthening land resilience in the face of global challenges >> >Details
BMBF (2022-2026)
DAAD African Excellence Pro-RUWA
Promoting academic capacities for sustainable agricultural resources use in West Africa >> > Details
DAAD (2021-2025)
Improving crop-shrub-livestock integration in the Sahel
Focusing on the Sahel zone, the EU-funded SustainSAHEL project aims to enhance the resilience of smallholder agricultural farming systems to climate change as well as their intensification potential through scalable innovations on crop-shrub-livestock (CSL) integration. The project is working closely with existing Africa-Europe networks and programs, establishing partnerships that could emerge as a model laboratory on CSL for the Sahel. >>>Details
EU (2020 - 2025)
Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change
The interdisciplinary fellowship project "Livelihood Management, Reforms and Processes of Structural Change" is part of the Volkswagen Foundation initiative "Knowledge for Tomorrow - Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa" >> > Details
Volkswagen Foundation (2017 - 2024)