Alumni contacts

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The Faculty of Organic Agriculture Sciences cultivate its contacts to alumnis in different ways:

Association 'Hochschulverband Witzenhausen'

The Association 'Hochschulverband Witzenhausen' is the contact to all graduates and employees of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences with over 1000 members. They work in all fields of agriculture and rural development worldwide and offer various and continuous contacts. We are happy to send you the application for membership.

E-Mail: silvia.minke[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Tel.: 05542 / 981707


Hochschulverband Witzenhausen e.V., Office, Susanne Beck, Nordbahnhofstr. 1a, 37213 Witzenhausen

You can also donate: Kto.Nr. 5000 5263, BLZ 522 500 30, Sparkasse Werra-Meißner. Your amounts will fully benefit the students of the department.