
Head of section

Chair of agroecosystem analysis and modelling

Welcome to the section of agroecosystem analysis and modelling!

In the face of climate change, agricultural production will become more challenging. Therefore, sustainable adaptation strategies are needed to help farmers cope with current and future climate perils. The department of Agroecosystem Analysis and Modelling interdisciplinary research on agroecological systems focusses on improving food security, incomes for farming households in the subtropics and tropics, whilst considering systemic boundaries. Oftentimes, agroecological systems are overused, at times exceeding critical environmental and social tipping points, which in turn can lead to a non-reversible collapse of entire systems. Our research includes assessments which consider tipping points with impact assessment models mapping agricultural systems and its biophysical cycles. This comprises the three pillars of risk monitoring (by analysing weather impacts and the forecasting of weather or yields), risk management (the identification, assessment and recommendation of suitable adaptation strategies) and eventually effective risk transfer mechanisms (such as insurance solutions). For dissemination, the department engages with different stakeholders from the public and private sector, such as representatives from agricultural ministries or insurance companies. There is also strong collaboration with the working group Adaptation in Agricultural Systems at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).