Referierte Veröffentlichungen
- Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D. Dultz, D., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B. (2014): Rate of soil-aggregate formation under different organic matter amendments − a short-term incubation experiment. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 177: 297–306.
- Andruschkewitsch, R., Koch, H.J., Ludwig, B. (2014): Effect of long-term tillage treatments on the temporal dynamics of water-stable aggregates and on macro-aggregate turnover at three German sites. Geoderma 217-218: 57-64.
- Al-Asfoor, H., Schiborra, A., Sundrum, A., Schlecht, E. (2013): Particulate rate of passage and faeces quality of water buffalo fed diets varying in concentrations of nitrogen and structural and non-structural. carbohydrates. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 13, 165-180
- Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H-J., Ludwig, B. (2013): Effects of tillage on contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, water-stable aggregates and light fraction for four different long-term trials. Geoderma 192 (0): 368–377.
- Jaeger, N., Duffner, A., Ludwig, B. (2013): Effect of fertilization history on short-term emission of CO2 and N2O after the application of different N fertilizers - a laboratory study. Arch. of Agronomy and Soil Sci. 59: 161-171.
- Jost, D.I., Aschemann, M., Lebzien, P., Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum A. (2013): Microbial biomass in faeces of dairy cows affected by a nitrogen deficient diet. Archives of Animal Nutrition 67 (2), 104-118.
- Jost, D.I., Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum A. (2013): Effect of cattle faeces with different microbial biomass content on soil properties, gaseous emissions and plant growth. Biol. Fertil. Soils 49, 61–70.
- Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B. (2013): Temporal dynamics of soil organic matter composition and aggregate distribution in permanent grassland after a single tillage event in a temperate climate. Soil Till. Res. 126: 90-99.
- Murugan, R., Koch, H-J., Joergensen, R. G. (2013): Long-term influence of different tillage intensities of soil microbial biomass, residues and community structure at different depths. Biology and Fertility of Soils (online first) DOI: 10.1007/s00374-013-0871-x
- Murugan, R., Loges, R., Taube, F., Joergensen, R. G. (2013): Specific response of fungal and bacterial residues to one-season tillage and repeated slurry application in a permanent grassland soil. Applied Soil Ecology 72: 31-40.
- Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J. (2013): Long-term tillage effects on the distribution of phosphorus fractions of loess soils in Germany. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci 176: 217-226.
- Pokharel, A.K., Jannoura, R., Heitkamp, F., Kleikamp, B., Wachendorf, C., Dyckmann, J., Ludwig, B., Joergensen, R.G. (2013) Development of aggregates after application of maize residues in the presence of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal pea plants. Geoderma 202-203: 38-44
- Siegfried, K., Dietz, H., Gallardo, D.A., Schlecht,E., Buerkert, A. (2013): Effect of manure with different C/N ratios on yields, yield components and matter balances of organically grown vegetables on a sandy soil of northern Oman. Organic Agriculture 3: 9-22.
- Sradnick, A., Ingold, M., Marold, J., Murugan, R., Buerkert, A., & Joergensen, R. G. (2013). Impact of activated charcoal and tannin amendments on microbial biomass and residues in an irrigated sandy soil under arid subtropical conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils
- Sradnick, A., Murugan,R., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R. G. (2013): Changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community in a heterogeneous sandy soil after long-term fertilization with cattle manure and mineral fertilizer. Applied Soil Ecology 63: 23-28
- Al-Asfoor, H., Schlecht, E., Sundrum, A., Schiborra, A. (2012): Varying the dietary supply of C and N to manipulate the manure composition of water buffalo heifers in Oman. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 113(2), 125-136.
- Geisseler, D., Linsler, D., Piegholdt, C., Andruschkewitsch, R., Raupp, J. Ludwig, B. (2011): Distribution of phosphorus in size fractions of sandy soils with different fertilization histories. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 174: 891-898 Abstract
- Heinze, S., Oltmanns, M., Joergensen, R.G., Raupp, J. (2011): Changes in microbial biomass indices after 10 years of farmyard manure and vegetal fertilizer application to a sandy soil under organic management. Plant Soil 343: 221-234. Abstract
- Heitkamp, F., Jäger, N., Flessa, H., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B. (2011): Effect of fertilization on respiration from different sources in a sandy soil of an agricultural longterm experiment. Arch. Agron. Soil Sci., 58 (9) 933-944.
- Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B. (2011): Soil organic matter pools and crop yields as affected by the rate of farmyard manure and use of biodynamic preparations in a sandy soil. Org. Agr. 1:111-124. Abstract
- Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J., Ludwig, B. (2011): Effects of fertilizer type and rate on labile soil fractions of a sandy Cambisol - long-term and short-term dynamics. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 121-127. Abstract
- Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Dyckmans, J., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B. (2011): Aggregate dynamics in soil in an incubation experiment with 15N-maize: effects of residue location. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 634-643
- Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Dyckmans, J., Rauber, R. , Ludwig, B. (2011): Effects of residue location on soil organic matter turnover: results from an incubation experiment with 15N-maize. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 634-643. Abstract
- Jacobs, A., Ludwig, B., Schmidt, J.H. et al. (2011): Influence of tillage on degradation kinetics using the litterbag method. Eur. J. of Soil Biol. 47, 198-204. Abstract
- Jacobs, A., Kaiser, K., Ludwig, B. et al. (2011): Application of biochemical degradation indices to the microbial decomposition of maize leaves and wheat straw in soils under different tillage systems. Geoderma 162, 207-214. Abstract
- Jäger, N., Stange, C.F., Ludwig, B., Flessa, H. (2011): Emission rates of N2O and CO2 from soils with different organic matter content from three long-term fertilization experiments - a laboratory study. Bio. Fertil. Soils 47: 483-494. Abstract
- Jost, D.I., Indorf, C. Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum, A. (2011): The determination of microbial biomass in cattle faeces using soil microbiological methods. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1237-1244.
- Ludwig, B., Jaeger, N., Priesack, E., Flessa, H. (2011): Application of the DNDC model to predict N2O emissions from sandy arable soils with differing fertilization in a long-term experiment. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 350-358 Abstract
- Ludwig, B., Bergstermann, A., Priesack, E., Flessa, H. (2011): Modelling of crop yields and N2O emissions from silty arable soils with differing tillage in two long-term experiments. Soil Till. Res., 112:114-121.Abstract
- Mueller, E., Rottman, N., Bergstermann, A., Wildhagen, H. & Joergensen, R.G. (2011): Soil CO2 evolution rates in the field – a comparison of three methods. Archi. Agron. Soil Sci. 57, 597-608 Abstract
- Rottmann, N., Siegfried, K., Buerkert, A., Joergensen, R.G. (2011): Litter decomposition in fertilizer treatments of vegetable crops under irrigated subtropical conditions. Bio. Fertil. Soils 47, 71-80. Abstract
- Rottmann, N. & Joergensen, R.G., (2011): Measuring the CO2 production from maize-straw amended soil columns – a comparison of four methods. J. Plant Nutr.Soil Sci. 174, 373-380. Abstract
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B. (2011): Effects of moisture and temperature on greenhouse gas emissions and C and N leaching losses in soil treated with biogas slurry. Biol. Fertil. Soils 47: 249-259. Abstract
- Siegfried, K., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A. (2011): Nutrient and carbon balances in organic vegetable production on an irrigated, sandy soil in northern Oman. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 678-689.
- Buerkert, A., Jahn, H., Golombek, S.D., Al Rawahi, M.N., Gebauer, J. (2010): Carbon and nitrogen emissions from stored manure and cropped fields in irrigated mountain oases of Oman. J. Agric. Rural Devel. Trop. Subtrop. 111, 65-73. Abstract
- Heinze, S., Rauber, R., Joergensen, R.G. (2010): Influence of mouldboard plough and rotary harrow tillage on micobial biomass and nutrient stocks in two long-term experiments on loess derived Luvisols. Appl. Soil Ecol., 46, 405-412. Abstract
- Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Joergensen, R.G. (2010): Effects of fertilizer and spatial heterogeneity in soil pH on microbial biomass indices in a long-term field trial of organic agriculture. Plant Soil, 328:203-215. Abstract
- Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M., Hanisch, S., Quendt, U., Rauber, R. & Ludwig, B. (2010): Effect of conventional and minimum tillage on physical and biochemical stabilization of soil organic matter. Biol. Fertil. Soils 46:671-680. Abstract
- Ludwig, B., Hu, K., Niu, L. & Liu, X. (2010): Modelling the dynamics of organic carbon in fertilization and tillage experiments in the North China Plain using the Rothamsted Carbon Model—initialization and calculation of C inputs. Plant Soil, 332: 193-206. Abstract
- Ludwig, B., Geisseler, D., Michel, K., Joergensen, R.G., Schulz, E., Merbach, I., Raupp, J., Rauber, R., Hu, K., Niu, L. & Liu, X. (2010): Effects of fertilization and soil management on crop yields and carbon stabilization in soils. A review. Agron. Sust. Dev., DOI: 10.1051/agro/2010030. Abstract
- Ludwig, B., Herrmann, S. & Michel, K. (2010): Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow through sandy soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 48, 221-230. Abstract
- Michel, K., Herrmann, S., & Ludwig, B. (2010): Modelling chemical and biological reactions during unsaturated flow in silty arable soils. Geoderma, 156, 293-301. Abstract
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D. & Ludwig, B. (2010): Effects of rainfall pattern on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with biogas slurry and composted cattle manure. J. of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 173, 692-698. Abstract
- Zareitalabad, P., Heinze, S., Rottmann, N., Potthoff, M., Dyckmans, J. & Joergensen, R.G. (2010): Decomposition of 15N-labelled maize leaves in soil affected by endogeic geophagous Aporrectodea caliginosa. Soil Biol. Biochem. 42, 276-282Abstract
- Heitkamp, F., Raupp, J. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Impact of fertilizer type and rate on carbon and nitrogen pools in a sandy Cambisol. Plant Soil, 319, 259-275 Abstract.
- Herrmann, S., Mayer, J., Michel, K. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Predictive capacity of visible-near-infrared spectroscopy for quality parameter assessment of compost. J. Near Infrared Spec.17, 289-301. Abstract
- Jacobs, A., Rauber, R. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Impact of reduced tillage on carbon and nitrogen storage of two Haplic Luvisols after 40 years. Soil Till. Res. 102:158-164. Abstract
- Khan, K.S., Heinze, S. & Joergensen, R.G. (2009): Simultaneous measurement of S, macronutrients, and heavy metals in the soil microbial biomass with CHCl2 fumigation and NH4NO3 extraction. Soil Biol. Biochem. 41:309-314. Abstract
- Rottmann, N., Dyckmans, J. & Joergensen, R.G. (2009): Microbial use and decomposition of maize leaf straw incubated in packed soil colums at different depth. Eur. J. of Soil Biol., 46, 27-33. Abstract
- Alkindi, A., Schlecht, E., Schiborra, A. (2012) Effects of quebracho tannin and activated charcoal on the digestibility and nutrient excretion of goats under subtropical conditions (Oman). 11th International Conference on Goats, Gran Canaria.
- Alkindi, A., Schiborra, A., Schlecht, E. (2012) Influence of the addition of polyphenols and activated charcoal on the digestibility of ration and manure quality of goats under subtropical conditions (Oman). Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie GfE, Göttingen
- Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B. (2012) Effect of different tillage treatments on organic carbon stocks, contents of aggregate fractions and occluded light fraction. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna.
- Ingold, M., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A., (2012) Effects of activated charcoal and tannin amendments on yields of sweet corn and radish on an irrigated sandy soil in Northern Oman. Tropentag, Göttingen/Kassel
- Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Loges, R., Taube, F., Ludwig, B. (2012): Effect of slurry application and one season of cropping on aggregates and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus pools in grassland soils. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna.
- Murugan, R., Koch, H.-J., Joergensen, R. G. (2012): Changes in soil microbial processes and community structure by different long-term tillage systems. Eurosoil, Bari.
- Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B. (2012): Long-term tillage effects on the distribution of P fractions of German loess soils. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna.
- Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Flessa, H., (2012) Impact of two different types of grassland-to-cropland-conversion on dynamics of soil organic matter mineralization and N2O emission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna.
- Roth, G., Giesemann, A., Well R., Flessa, H., (2012) Elucidating source processes of N2O fluxes following grassland-to-field-conversion using isotopologue signatures of soil-emitted N2O. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna
- Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Berendonk, C., Flessa, H. (2012) Impact of two different types of grassland-to-arable-conversion on nitrous oxide emission and nitrate leaching. New Horizon, Wexford
- Roth, G., Giesemann, A., Well, R., Flessa, H., (2012): Impact of grassland-to-field-conversion on source processes of N2O fluxes – an isotopologue approach. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope, Leipzig.
- Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Gensior, A., Flessa, H., (2012) Impact of grassland-to-field-conversion on N2O emissions, mineral N dynamics and mineralization of grassland-derived soil organic matter. EUROSOIL, Bari
- Sradnick, A., Raupp, J., Joergensen, R.G. (2012) Effects of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on microbial properties in a sandy subsoil. EUROSOIL, Bari
- Andruschkewitsch, R., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B. (2011) Effekt unterschiedlicher Bodenbearbeitungsintensität auf Makroaggregat-Gehalte und die leichte organische Fraktion. DBG-Jahrestagung, Berlin
- Ingold, M., Schiborra, A., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A., (2011) Influence of biochar and tannin amendments to goat manure on gaseous C and N emissions. Tropentag, Bonn
- Ingold, M., Jordan, G., Dietz, H., Buerkert, A., Schlecht, E.,(2011) Effects of biochar application to goat manure on irrigated radish in Northern Oman. 3rd UK Biochar Conference, Edingburgh
- Linsler, D., Geisseler, D., Taube, F. & Ludwig, B. (2011): Auswirkungen eines Pflugereignisses auf die Verteilung von Aggregaten und organischem Material in Grünlandböden. In: Böden verstehen - Böden nutzen - Böden fit machen, September 2011, Berlin.
- Murugan, R., Joergensen, R. G. (2011) Influence of different long-term tillage intensities on soil microbial properties. DBG-Jahrestagung, Berlin
- Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.-J., Ludwig, B. (2011): Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung auf Phosphorfraktionen in Lössböden in einem Langzeitexperiment. In: Böden verstehen - Böden nutzen - Böden fit machen, DBG-Jahrestagung, September 2011, Berlin.
- Roth, G., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Gensior, A., Flessa, H., (2011) Einfluss von Grünlandumbruchsverfahren auf die Emissionen von N2O und CO2. DGB-Tagung 2011, Berlin.
- Sänger A, Geisseler D, Ludwig B (2011) Einfluss von Temperatur und Düngezeitpunkt bei unterschiedlichen Beregnungsmustern in mit Biogasgülle gedüngten Böden. DBG-Jahrestagung, Berlin
- Al Asfoor, H., Schiborra, A. , Sundrum, A. & Schlecht, E. (2010): Effect of diet C/N and NDF/soluble carbohydrates ratio on dung composition in Bubalus bubalis. Proc. Soc. Nutr. Physiol.19: 121
- Roth, G., Gensior, A., Helfrich, M., Well, R., Freibauer, A., Flessa, H., (2010): Grünlandumbruch, Grünlanderneuerungsumbruch, Etablierung von Grünland (GURU). Tagung des Kuratoriums für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Bad Staffelstein.
- Heinze, S., Rauber, R. & Joergensen, R.G. (2009): Einfluss langjähriger Bodenbearbeitung mittels Pflug und Kreiselegge auf die mikrobielle Biomasse und deren Aktivität. Vortrag DBG-Jahrestagung Bonn.
- Heitkamp, F.,Raupp, J. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Der Einfluss von Düngerart und Rate auf unterschiedlich schnell umsetzbare C- und N-Pools. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn.
- Jost, D., Joergensen, R.G., Sundrum, A. & Schlecht, E. (2009): Etablierung von Methoden zur Bestimmung mikrobieller Biomasse in Rinderkot. Vortrag DBG-Jahrestagung 2009, Bonn.
- Herrmann, S.,Mayer, J.,Michel, K. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Anwendbarkeit der Nah- Infrarotspektroskopie zur Qualitätsbeurteilung von Komposten. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn.
- Jacobs, A., Helfrich, M.,Dyckmans, J.,Rauber, R. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Auswirkung der Bodenbearbeitung auf Mineralisierung und Stabilisierung organischer Substanz – ein Mikrokosmenversuch. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn.
- Jäger, N. & Flessa, H. (2009): Langzeiteffekte unterschiedlicher Düngung auf N2O-Emissionen. Vortrag DBG-Jahrestagung 2009, Bonn.
- Jäger, N. & Flessa, H. (2009): Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic matter and net-exchange rates of N2O and CH4 on a sandy arable soil. NCGG5, Wageningen
- Predotova, M., Sundrum, A. , Joergensen, R.-G. & Schlecht, E. (2009): Methodological aspects of quantitative analysis of ruminant faeces for adenosine triphosphate by luciferin-luciferase reaction. In: Chilliard, Y, F. Glasser, F. Faulconnier, I. Veissier, M. Doreau (eds). Ruminant physiology - digestion, metabolism and effects of nutrition on reproduction and welfare. Proceedings of the XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. pp. 322-324. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Rottmann, N., Bürkert, A. & Joergensen, R.G. (2009): Einfluss unterschiedlicher Düngung und Feldfrüchte auf den Strohabbau im Litterbag-Versuch unter subtropischen Bedingungen (Oman). Vortrag DBG-Jahrestagung Bonn.
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D. & Ludwig, B. (2009): Einfluss unterschiedlicher Beregnungsmuster auf die Dynamik von C und N aus Biogasgülle und Rottemist im Boden. In: Böden - eine endliche Ressource, September 2009, Bonn.
- Siegfried, K., Amthauer Gallardo, D., Dietz, H. & Buerkert, A. (2009): Estimationg nutrient and carbon losses on an irigated sandy soil in Northern Oman. Tropentag 2009, Hamburg.
- Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Joergensen, R.G. (2008): Influence of pH-heterogeneity of fertiliser effects on microbial biomass in a long-term field trial of ecological agriculture.Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 59.
- Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Jörgensen, R. G. (2008): Einfluss mineralischer und organischer Düngeranwendung auf die mikrobielle Biomasse in einem Langzeit-Versuch der ökologischen Landwirtschaft. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, im Druck.
- Heitkamp, F, Raupp, J. & Ludwig, B. (2008): Fertilizer type and rate: effects on labile carbon and nitrogen pools in a long-term trial on a sandy Cambisol. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 228.
- Jacobs, A., Rauber, R. & Ludwig, B. (2008): Impact of tillage on carbon and nitrogen storage of two Haplic Luvisols. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 17.
- Rottmann, N., Raupp, J., Dyckmans, J. & Jörgensen, R.G. (2008): Decomposition and microbial colonisation of litter affected by the depth of incubation in a column experiment. Eurosoil Abstracts 2008, Wien, 5.
- Rottmann, N., Raupp, J., Dyckmans, J. & Jörgensen, R.G. (2008): Abbau und mikrobielle Besiedelung von Streu in Abhängigkeit der Einarbeitungstiefe im Säulenversuch. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, im Druck.
- Siegfried, K., Dietz, H., Schlecht, E. & Buerkert, A. (2008): Gaseous Carbon and Nitrogen Emissions in Organic Agriculture in Northern Oman. Poster Tropentag, Hohenheim.
- Ernst, S., Amthauer Gallardo, D., Michel, K. & Ludwig, B. (2007): Freisetzung von Nährionen aus Böden unterschiedlicher Klimaregionen. Mitteilung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 1, S. 185.
- Heinze, S., Raupp, J. & Jörgensen, R.G. (2007): Die mikrobielle Biomasse im Darmstadt-Dauer-Düngungsversuch zur ökologischen Landbewirtschaftung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 1, S. 309-310.
- Heitkamp, F., Michel, K., Raupp, J. & Ludwig, B. (2007): Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff-Pools in einem Ackerboden nach 27 Jahren organischer und mineralischer Düngung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 1, S. 197-198.
- Jacobs, A., Rauber, R., Michel, K. & Ludwig, B. (2007): Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitung auf Aggregatstabilität, sowie C- und N-Speicherung in Ackerböden zweier Langzeitversuche. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 1, S. 209-210.
- Rottmann, N., Ludwig, B. & Jörgensen, R.G. (2007): Vergleich von Methoden zur CO2 Messung im Säulenversuch. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Band 110, Heft 1, S. 325-326.