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Minutes of the student council meetings

On this page we will regularly upload our current minutes from the student council meetings.

So you can read at any time what is currently going on and what topics are being discussed!
Maybe you are interested in one of the topics and would like to join us at the next meeting?

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Minutes from 29.05.2024

Minutes from 02.05.2024

Minutes from 12.04.2024

Minutes from 14.03.2024

Minutes from 08.02.2024

Minutes from 18.01.2024

Minutes from 21.12.2023

Minutes from 30.11.2023

Minutes from 09.11.2023

Protocol from 25.09.2023

Minutes from 05.09.2023

Protocol from 01.08.2023

Protocol from 04.07.2023

Minutes from 27.06.2023

Minutes from 23.05.2023