Planning data
The creation of a data management plan (DMP) requires a detailed reflection on the planned handling of the data generated.
KaDMO supports all researchers at the University of Kassel in creating and maintaining a DMP by querying all important aspects of data management in the form of a questionnaire.
The content can be saved, customized, shared, collaboratively edited, and exported so that the data management plan can be maintained in the sense of a living document - in individual projects as well as in larger projects.
KaDMO is the Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO) of the University of Kassel.
The DMP tool KaDMO is offered by the Research Data Unit and is hosted by the Technical University of Darmstadt for the University of Kassel.
RDMO is a DFG-funded open source project and is under continuous development. Learn more about the project and its development goals at
Further tools for the creation of data management plans
- argos: as part of the EU infrastructure project OpenAIRE, argos was developed as a low-threshold tool for creating, maintaining and publishing data management plans as well as data set descriptions based on various templates. Argos is based on the open source software OpenDMP.
- DMPOnline was developed by the UK Digital Curation Centre (DCC). It includes a template for H2020 projects and guides users with detailed questions and instructions.
- DMPTool is operated by the California Digital Library. The website also provides examples of data management plans. Due to the different funding landscape, the tool is of limited use for German/European projects.
- Guide to the FDM - Wissgrid project
- Wizard of the KomFor project
- Template of H2020
- Wizard of Clarin-D
A very convincing template for research data management is also the questionnaire of the Oxford zoologist David Shotton ("Twenty Questions for Research Data Management")
- Template data management plans of HU Berlin for H2020, DFG and BMBF
- Template data management plan for RWTH Aachen
- Examples for data management plans at DMPTool
- Examples for data management plans of dcc
- Examples for data management plans of the University of Leeds
- Examples of data management plans from UC San Diego
The short video tutorial of the HU Berlin also offers an introduction to the topic
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